Toronto Ten York Street Condos | 224.02m | 65s | Tridel | Wallman Architects

On topic please. Posts should contribute to the thread.

Not that this really matters, but Shanghia's growth, while wildly impressive, has hardly produced a "Manhattan" style density. I was in Pudong four months ago, and it is just a smallish collection of very tall buildings, not a city. I was so excited to see it. But when I did for the first time - being whisked at 330kph on a maglev - I could only think of how small and frankly cheesy the Pudong skyline really is. This impression was confirmed when viewing Pudong from the classic vantage point. Its towers look like a collection of children's toys - though the Shanghai Tower is likely going to be one of the world's best skyscrapers, if not the best. I really enjoyed Shanghai's historical district, though, it is beautiful. Nonetheless, the sheer quantity and density of Shanghai's built form is not as impressive as is often suggested, at least in my opinion. Not that this makes Toronto great either - it isn't. But its growth in a western context is.
so I wonder if TridelWebMaster will chime in whether that beige material in the renders is precast or something else. I think it will be interesting regardless..
hanlansboy, i have the same thing starting for me, some surgerios are lined up. hang in there man. i will to. i like your self hope i livelong enough to see toronto grow into the city it deserves to be. with many super talls great places to shop, beautiful green spaces and so much more. thoughts are with you.

Sorry to go off topic, but if you'll indulge me for a moment, I'm so sorry you're going through the same thing, but have hope. This is round 2 with bowel cancer, believe me, it's quite survivable, just painful. I thank you all for you kind words, much appreciated! I'm a bit dramatic, the reality is, they found a pea sized tumor during a routine exam, they are removing it in a few days via scope, wait for the pathology, and I'll take it from there. I know cancer scares many, believe me, I'd rather not have it, but I know exactly what to expect. I've been dealing with it since I was 20, combined with my colitis, I'm now gutless, rectum, colon, and about 7 feet of small bowel gone, the human body is remarkable, and can adapt to almost anything. My chances or eliminating the cancer are very good, unless it's spread more then I know (fingers crossed!), I'll keep you posted, and remember, it could always be worse, working with patients every day I see people younger then me in much worse shape, it's just one more challenge in life to endure, just let this be a reminder to you all, especially those over 40, get a colonoscopy at least once every few years, trust me, having your rectum and intestines removes hurts more then words could ever describe, I just thank god for my happy pills aka Percocet and morphine! Lol!

Now, back on topic, yes, perhaps I'm exaggerating a bit, but by North American standards, I still think Toronto has grown faster then most. I was just driving, well, crawling (rush hour) along the Gardiner. It still impresses every time I see so many new towers that weren't there mere years ago, I just can't wait to see how it will look in 10 years!
The growth spurt in many countries around the world is fueled by oil, aka Dubai. In China it's government spending. There are now cities in China that were built with the expectation of people moving in from the country. That never materialized and they sit empty. In the west where construction is done on demand. Toronto has done far better than most at least in North America. The following list is dated a year ago, so there will be minor changes.
Well, aside from the 250m+ list, we're fairing quite well on the international stage, and in time, if Oxford and Gehry get their approvals, we'll soon do well on that lst as well, what a great time to be a Torontonian! (Thanks for the info)
Saw this on Adam Vaughan's website - a meeting next week to discuss this

Date: December 17 2012
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Location: Pawsway Pet Discovery Centre, 245 Queens Quay West

The proposed Official Plan Amendment amends the definition of “rental housing” for the lands known as 120-130 Harbour Street and 10 York Street in order for 12 condominium-registered units to be considered affordable rental housing and thus to be conveyed as a Section 37 community benefit.
12 condominium-registered units to be considered affordable rental housing and thus to be conveyed as a Section 37 community benefit.

How interesting is this? You get a sophisticated building built by Tridel and there's going to be 12 units to be considered "affordable rental housing" ? I imagine Tridel will be managing rental units in the building as they do with other buildings and will be subsidized. Makes you wonder what the purchasers think....
What does the building's 'sophistication' have to do with the number of affordable units contained within? And why should purchasers be concerned?
What does the building's 'sophistication' have to do with the number of affordable units contained within? And why should purchasers be concerned?

It's not about the building's appearance or architecture or style, but who lives in it. People may or may not be concerned; in a perfect world, it shouldn't matter.

12 units out of hundreds. Why does it matter?
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It's not about the building's appearance or architecture or style, but who lives in it. People may or may not be concerned; in a perfect world, it shouldn't matter.
12 units out of hundreds. Why does it matter?

Yes, in a perfect world, it shouldn't matter - however, there are good guys & bad guys, honest guys & corrupt guys in the world. The fact is, people make up the building and we all know that renters are less likely (though not implying all of them) to care about the condition in which they leave the place in. While not discriminating against those that who make up affordable housing - the stigma (probably because %age wise, there are more) is that they may care less. Sure - who cares if it's within the unit itself... however, you got common elements that gets shared.
Yes 12 out of 600+ units... maybe it won't matter... if one were to tell that to the purchasers in the beginning, could it have made a difference in their purchases? I'm pretty sure Tridel didn't mention it at all.
Yes, in a perfect world, it shouldn't matter - however, there are good guys & bad guys, honest guys & corrupt guys in the world. The fact is, people make up the building and we all know that renters are less likely (though not implying all of them) to care about the condition in which they leave the place in. While not discriminating against those that who make up affordable housing - the stigma (probably because %age wise, there are more) is that they may care less. Sure - who cares if it's within the unit itself... however, you got common elements that gets shared.
Yes 12 out of 600+ units... maybe it won't matter... if one were to tell that to the purchasers in the beginning, could it have made a difference in their purchases? I'm pretty sure Tridel didn't mention it at all.

No offence, but that's just paranoia. A long time ago, for three years, I worked as a condo security guard in The Polo Club 1&2 on Bay Street, and I can tell you from first hand experience, be it renter, or owner, if one is inclined to trash their apartment and/or unit, they will. The method of tenancy has almost nothing to do with it. I encountered many owners vandalizing the common areas, and even trashing their own units. To assume/imply renters are less desirable tenants is prejudice, plain and simple. If anything, I found the renters (both buildings are Tridel, as are the rental units) made better tenants. Many owners gave the building staff no end of trouble.. A woman, who was a high school principle, was also a raging alcoholic who trashed not only the building, but her own home as well every week, was an owner. An accountant, who was arrested in his unit for raping underage prostitutes, was also an owner, the list goes on and on. Owners are no better, nor worse, then tenants. I can understand your fears, but they are completely unfounded and untrue. To imply owners are better then renters is rude, and just plain ignorant.
