Toronto Tableau Condominiums | 124.05m | 36s | Urban Capital | Wallman Architects

Those damn developers! How could they destroy a vacant old building and replace it with a much more modern, usable replica that has the added benefit of supporting even more development on top?? They need to be stopped immediately!

What are you going on about? The building is destroyed and the facade of the old building will be replaced by some faux rebuild. There are to be many more instances of this in the area, so spare us the pointless sarcasm.
By the way the old building was hardly vacant.

Thanks to voxpop for the thread(s) and information.

Aerial view and photos ...






Sorry, I missed the fitness centre taking up 10% of the building's total area on the first floor.

It's really annoying when all the preservationists make out every single building built before the 80s to be somehow special. Apart from the tacky front brick facade, this is just a horribly ugly concrete box. Just look at the side.

So what makes this special exactly?
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The curious, stolid front of this building was definitely worth preserving. It's too bad it's gone.
I don't know what's worse - the destruction of these things (the only history we have here), or the persistence of the insensate drabs in cheering on the destruction of that history. Both are terribly depressing.
