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Toronto Sun - "Making light of the phony Earth Hour"


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Apr 29, 2010
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It’s unclear how many GTA homes will partake in turning off their lights to honour Earth Hour Saturday.

But don’t count in the Menzies in the collective, self-imposed blackout!

“We will not be in the dark,†journalist and conservative commentator David Menzies said Thursday.

Instead, what you will find is a giant beacon in the sky emanating from his Richmond Hill street between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m.

“While everybody else has their lights off I will have every light in my house on,†said Menzies, as he prepared for his second installment in mocking the “phony†Earth Hour movement.

He’s also gone a step further.

“I have rented four rotating Hollywood movie lights which will light up the sky for miles,†he said.

“I don’t need to give you my address because all you need to do is look to the sky.â€

Last year the lights attracted people down to the darkened street, sans that one home.

“A lot of people who followed the lights came in and all they saw was a guy out with his kids having a barbecue,†he said laughing. “It went so well we are going to do it again.â€

There will be no need for a flashlight at this springtime BBQ.

Menzies, a regular contributor to the John Oakley and Charles Adler shows on AM 640 and on Michael Coren’s TV show, relishes sticking it to the global-warming-gurus who he believes have been blowing environmental Armageddon smoke for years.

“All it is, is income and wealth distribution propagated by former Communists and socialists looking for something to do,†he said of the movement.

“What’s it called this week? Climate change? Next it will be global icing.â€

Of course, the always colourful Menzies is having some fun making the point of the hypocrisy of Earth Hour and the Cadillac conservationists who push it.

It’s them, and the double-speak of the high-polluting, resource-dependent multinational corporations sponsoring it, that got him off his couch to organize an unofficial anti-Earth Hour.

“It’s a joke because after Earth Hour is over everybody will go back to doing what they always do including the celebrities jumping back on their corporate jets.â€

That’s why he has created his own way to honour it.

“Let’s just say I am re-branding Earth Hour,†he said. “I am calling mine Human Achievement Hour.â€

The achievement is that in a capitalistic society he was able to achieve owning a home, having the ability to have power, to own a fossil-fuel burning car and be able to provide heating and electricity for his wife and children.

“The best part is they can’t stop me because it’s my property, my power, my money and I live in a free society,†he said.

“You want to see darkness? Fly over North Korea and you will see the success of not having enough electricity to turn on the lights.â€

Last year he said he had several “hippies†drop in and ask, “why?â€

“I offered them a hamburger but none of them took me up on it,†he said.

“This year I will make sure I have some veggie ones on the grill and maybe some tofu sausages, too.â€

Wonder if Dr. David Suzuki will drop by?

“Probably not, Scrawler,†said a colleague. “Not unless there is grant money available or a fee.â€

Apparently this douche lives in my area. Next year I think I'll go by and visit him, and throw some trash on his lawn. You see, me putting my litter in the garbage is not going to save the world or anything, so why should I bother?

Oh, and I could use a free burger too.

Seems nothing is good enough for the neo-fascist "conservative" right winged media. If the green people told everyone to give up all electricity and live like our ancestors did before the Industrial Revolution, they would laugh it off because it is radically unrealistic. However, when the green people suggest reducing your energy consumption for 60 minutes in an attempt to not only see how much power we can save when we all work together, but to help make us aware of our energy consumption and the alternatives present to us, they claim it is stupid because turning off the lights for an hour isn't going to save the world.

Seriously, why do we have to share civilization with people this stupid? Can't we put them in zoos or something?
I know a place we can send them! There's this place where government has almost no control over people's lives and almost all market transactions are free between private property owners without any government imposed rules or regulations. In places like this, the idea of taxes or bureaucracy or red tape is completely unheard of!

It's called sub-Saharan Africa.
Okay, to reflect on this seriously and calmly, I think people like this - people who let their politically ideology so thoroughly rule their lives so as to become sociopaths - are thankfully pretty rare, at least in Canada. There are a lot of things that you and I might find silly, but we're not going to childishly hold some kind of anti-protest and spend a large amount of our own money just to make a point that hardly anyone will listen to. He seems to be a man who suffers from severe OCD and who has channeled his frustration into right wing political talk radio, as opposed to seeking some kind of treatment.

There are people like this on the left, too, and they also represent a thankfully small portion of the total population.
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Looks like this poor victim of our liberal society is making the news again:

Yonge-Dundas smackdown
Punched in the face, but fat chance charges will be laid


What constitutes a physical assault in Toronto these days?

This would appear to be straightforward. If, for example, one individual punches another, surely that’s assault. Especially if the punch in question was witnessed. And photographed.

But as I learned firsthand on Sunday, a fist in the face doesn’t necessarily constitute assault in our increasingly culturally sensitive Toronto.

The details: I was at Yonge-Dundas Square with my nine-year-old son. We ate pizza. We drank bubble tea. And I used my new Canon camera to take photos of this neon shrine.

Suddenly, a woman wearing a hijab ran toward me. She was part of a group that included two women wearing full face-covering burkas. She was screaming: “We are Muslim! You do not take pictures of us!” (Odd. I can’t find the “no photos” rule in the Qur’an.)

I informed the lady I was in a public square in a democracy. I can actually take pictures of whomever I please.

And then: Ka-pow! Her fist collided with my face. Worse, she almost knocked my new camera from my hands.

My son and I were then surrounded by a mob of about 20 people, many of whom were speaking Arabic. One kept demanding I surrender my camera to him.

It was surreal. Was I in Toronto — or Riyadh?

I spotted a group of bicycle-mounted police officers. I burst through the mob with my son and made a beeline towards them. I told a Toronto Police officer what had happened and I wanted to press assault charges.

Better yet, a man and a woman came forward as eyewitnesses.

The 50-something couple, originally from Syria, told the police they had observed the entire affair and my allegations were true. The couple said they understood Arabic and knew what the mob was saying.

Spidey Senses

Alas, my Spidey Senses started to tingle when I overheard the questions being asked of the witnesses. “Was it a closed-fist punch or an open hand? Was it the front or the back of the hand?”

Huh? Physical contact had been made. Why did severity matter?

After the officer took my statement, he went over to the offending woman. Another constable was inexplicably miffed I was (legally) taking photos in the first place. The irony: Just above our heads a Toronto Police Service sphere was videotaping the activities.

The officer interrogated the woman. She was still hysterical. Good. The constable would encounter firsthand what I had been forced to deal with earlier.

The cop walked back to me. No charges would be laid, he said, because he believed the woman’s story — namely, she was merely trying to knock the camera out of my hands.

Got that? Apparently, attempted property damage is OK. If a face gets in the way of a would-be vandalizing fist... hey, accidents happen.

The Syrian eyewitnesses were speechless. I continued to plead my case.

Toronto Police cruisers are emblazoned with the slogan, “To serve and protect”. But increasingly, the unofficial slogan seems closer to, “F.I.D.O.” (“Forget It; Drive On.”)

The fact we have Islamists living amongst us who despise western values isn’t news. But surely you can’t just sock someone in the mouth.

Well, apparently you can — as long as the intent of the aggressor was merely to inflict property damage.

World’s upside-down. Just thought you should know.

-Menzies is a freelance writer in Toronto

And a follow up

Columnist seeks cop's notes in alleged Dundas square smackdown

It’s become a heated he said-she said debate.

A Muslim woman told Toronto Police she balked at freelance writer David Menzies taking pictures of her and her family about two weeks ago at Yonge-Dundas Square.

Menzies was visiting the square with his nine-year-old son at the time.

Menzies says he was struck in the face July 31 when she swiped at the camera — a brand-new Canon — and wants an explanation why she wasn’t charged with assault.

Did she or did she not assault Menzies?

The 52 Division officer used his discretion not to charge the woman.

Menzies filed freedom of information requests for the officer’s notes and any video recordings of the incident before approaching a Justice of the

Peace to file a private charge. He is also considering filing a complaint to the service for the lack of service.

Insp. Howie Page said the report indicates the woman, whose name wasn’t released, objected to photographs being taken of her and her family.

She told him to stop but the photographer continued taking pictures, he said.

“So she pushed the camera away,” Page said. “His version is that she assaulted him, struck him in the mouth and she adamantly denies that happened.”

He said there was no physical evidence of an injury to his mouth.

Police spokesman Mark Pugash said the case was looked into and the officer exercised his discretion “in the appropriate way.”

During the investigation at the square, a security guard told police she remembers Menzies taking pictures of Muslim families two weeks earlier.

It’s an accusation that Menzies absolutely denies.

“This is an outrageous and even slanderous lie and I have complained to (the security company involved). They are conducting their own investigation,” he said.

“The last time I was at Yonge-Dundas Square was actually August 2010,” Menzies said.

“Look, if I had been there two weeks prior, I’d have owned up to that,” he added. “After all, let’s keep in mind there is nothing illegal about taking photos in a public square.”

If it did happen, Menzies says it’s a case of mistaken identity.

“I got to be honest, I just think the police I dealt with are either incompetent, lazy or they’re peons of political correctness, or maybe all three,” Menzies said. “That’s what infuriated me more than the punch in the face.

“Bad guys have been around since the dawn of time, but when the good guys refuse to carry out their sworn duty to uphold the law, I’ve got a problem with that,” he said.

Menzies said he’s called Mayor Rob Ford’s office about the incident because he’s concerned tourists taking photos could get caught up the issue.

“Do we want a city of Toronto known that if Bob and Marg from Cleveland come up here and they happen to take a shot where there’s an Islamic in the photo who objects to that shot and punches Marg and Bob in the face, but not only are they going to be assaulted, but the Toronto Police Service isn’t going to lay charges, because it’s not the politically correct thing to do?” Menzies said.

First, seeing how this guy is a complete tool, I would not be surprised if he antagonized the situation in some way. Secondly, even if he didn't, he shows his true colours as being a racist jackass by attacking all Muslims in his writings and quotes. There are plenty of moderate Muslims who do not care about having their photo taken, directly or in a crowd. To play the reverse-racism card is just lame.
Secondly, even if he didn't, he shows his true colours as being a racist jackass by attacking all Muslims in his writings and quotes. There are plenty of moderate Muslims who do not care about having their photo taken, directly or in a crowd. To play the reverse-racism card is just lame.
When, oh when will people understand that Islam is not a race? You can not accurately refer to criticism or even hatred of Muslims as racist. Anyone can be Muslim, and in the case of the those dressed like snowtroopers you can't identify the race anyway.

This guy does sound like an intentionally provoking and inflammatory person, but it's not racism unless he's saying something against a race. Islam is a religion adhered to by Arabs, South Asians, Caucasian Russians, Turks, and pretty much every other racial or cultural group. Is it racist to publicly hate Buddhists, Seventh Day Adventists or Mormons? Of course not - it's just hate. Let's leave the racism accusation for those that accurately deserve it.
If the story is true, it's just another sad issue in Canada. Our police don't give a shit, and these people moving here are changing this country for the worst.
Seeing as this guy is an attention whore and a neo-conservative nutjob, I'm quite confident there is more to the story than in his op-ed piece. The second article actually sounds far more truthful, that he was deliberately taking photos of Muslims in hopes to piss them off so he would have fodder to rant on like a lunatic for his radio program. The police probably didn't lay charges because it wouldn't be worth the time and money to pursue this minor melee through the courts, not because of a desire to be "politically correct" or because they feel that Muslims have more rights than non-Muslims. Besides, if a cop is a bigot (fixed it for you, Admiral Beez ;) ), they usually are not a reverse-bigot.
Of course you quoted only the portion that looks bad. If they story is TRUE, and these people really are Muslims who think you can't take photos of them in public, then they have a lot to learn about Canada.
About the Toronto Sun story, i think that we will never know what the true story is. However i do believe that taking pictures of other people without their permission is not really fair. Of course weather it justifies the women attacking (as reported) the photographer is a different story. Also Muslim angle seems a bit uncalled for since i think this situation could be played out with any Canadian (personal opinion you might disagree) and is as always a touchy issue
However i do believe that taking pictures of other people without their permission is not really fair.

How do you feel about security cameras in public places?
