Toronto Sun Life Financial Tower & Harbour Plaza Residences | 236.51m | 67s | Menkes | Sweeny &Co

Half of the hoarding in the PATH connection walkway is now down. It's a lot more pleasant to walk through.
I saw that last night. It seems that the weekend after this one, the PATH will be closed through here again, so maybe the other half will be opened then.

Feb 10





Once these towers are topped off, the blue protective coatings are gone, and the balcony glazing is all on, it's looking like we have another pair of soaring landmarks here. Maybe not as interesting at the top as Ïce, but more interesting on the way up.

Once these towers are topped off, the blue protective coatings are gone, and the balcony glazing is all on, it's looking like we have another pair of soaring landmarks here. Maybe not as interesting at the top as Ïce, but more interesting on the way up.


I agree, and it doesn't seem fair to pick on these buildings but at some point, the bar for solid design has to be raised. The 100% window wall formula is entirely unsustainable and at some point has to be viewed as substandard. There are all these projects across the city with clear continuous vertical expanses where a second cladding type (with a properly insulated wall assembly) would be appropriate. On these towers, replace the light gray spandrel panels with ironspot brick, precast, aluminum panels or anything that gives depth and accentuates the vertical lines and the aesthetics and performance are instantly improved.
Are there any indications that the wall assemblies behind glass spandrels are not properly insulated? They are acceptable to the City as a solution in the 60/40 wall/window ratio that was implemented to improve thermal performance.

What's with the lot beside the Harbour building being blocked off and filled with construction materials? That stuff wasn't there as much as a few weeks ago...

Audio/Video + Entertainment services according to the pics above. Seems like its NBA All Star related.
Are there any indications that the wall assemblies behind glass spandrels are not properly insulated? They are acceptable to the City as a solution in the 60/40 wall/window ratio that was implemented to improve thermal performance.


Window wall works as an assembly, the weak points or thermal bridges are the mullions and panel joints. Apparently the performance of an insulated spandrel panel is only marginally better than a vision panel and the system as a whole performs very poorly. As well, window wall is a face sealed system, prone to failure, with a very finite lifespan. The 60/40 rule makes sense in theory needs to be amended to recognize the difference in performance between different opaque assemblies. There is no way an insulated spandrel panel is equal to a vented rainscreen assembly yet they're treated the same.
They're finally wrapping up construction of the PATH connection between the ACC and WPP - half of it on the south end is now open, and it looks like the rest will be done soon. I noticed there are signs for two weekend closures so I assume that's what it's for.
