Toronto Sugar Wharf Condominiums (Phase 2) | 283.6m | 85s | Menkes | a—A

Don't know if the site-plan is up to date, but it shows the retail store will be the future site of a park (not one of the towers).

So likely a staging area for phase 2?


Holy moly those are uninspired. They actually look like fake massing towers, but they aren't. The real kicker is the various different floor heights scattered throughout that make the whole thing look just that more messier. And I'm a big fan of aA, but these need to be seriously rethought.
They are minimalist, which is not in and of itself a negative. I'm a big fan of the "twins", though I recognize I'm in the minority.
They are minimalist, which is not in and of itself a negative. I'm a big fan of the "twins", though I recognize I'm in the minority.
I'm going to wait until these are further down the road to judge. Initially, I wasn't a fan of phase 1, but my mind changed and think these are one of the most striking towers to meet the skyline (esp. from the island).

Fingers crossed for a lovely surprise in 2-3 years.
Holy moly those are uninspired. They actually look like fake massing towers, but they aren't. The real kicker is the various different floor heights scattered throughout that make the whole thing look just that more messier. And I'm a big fan of aA, but these need to be seriously rethought.

Cost cutting is job #1.
We used to call it “the cheapening”.
Usually occurs just after approval and before construction.
Although Menkes has clearly decided to go ahead with some site prep, Phase 2 hasn't even gone on sale yet so actual construction of the towers doesn't seem imminent.

Menkes did include Phase 2 as part of their "what's coming in 2022" video released at the beginning of the year, suggesting they planned to put Phase 2 on sale in 2022, but I would think the subsequent real estate slowdown is likely causing them to delay sales. 2022 isn't over yet, but 3000 units is a lot for this market to absorb.

It will be interesting to see how they proceed.
Wasn’t the school supposed to be done at some really early optimistic date? Sept 2023 or 2024? I will have to look back in the thread for those details.

Could they build that podium first and have the kids play near the construction site for next 5 years?
Or was that just government dreaming/promises. Hmmm.
I posted above about a Toronto Star story saying the school was expected to open in 2024. I figured the 2024 date was just some old info the reporter had taken. But lo' and behold, just saw this post from Menkes on the instagram post linked above.

This means they expect the podium to be built and occupied in ~30 months. That seems quite aggressive, this must be going on sale and starting construction really soon.

Screen Shot 2022-01-21 at 3.46.11 PM.png
Found it.
I forgot about parking. They would need a year to dig down and a year to get back to grade and then a year to finish the podium. So 4-5 years. :)
Oh, the road and park. Add 2 or 3 more years.

Picture from Friday night.
