Mississauga Stak36 | ?m | 48s | Oxford Properties | Arcadis

First, a quick thanks to @bangkok for all the excellent drone shots on this, and so many other threads.

Second, in looking a the shots above, it''s not the cranes or towers that jump out at me but the homes/townhomes, with the thought popping into my mind that Mississauga has is own McGill-Granby.

That pair of short streets side by side that the towers somehow stepped over; in this case, presumably, without the benefit of heritage protections.
That pair of short streets side by side that the towers somehow stepped over; in this case, presumably, without the benefit of heritage protections.
Those townhomes were built in 2011, the same time as Limelight (to the left along Living Arts Drive). Chicago (to the right along Confederation Parkway) was developed in 2009, and the entire block was an empty field just two years earlier. There is nothing "heritage" about anything in the area.
Is it just me, or is construction progressing slower than expected?
I dunno - it was a year ago that I photographed the first crane base being installed. Photos don't do it justice since I am usually at 90m or higher when shooting but it was a pretty deep pit.
Those townhomes were built in 2011, the same time as Limelight (to the left along Living Arts Drive). Chicago (to the right along Confederation Parkway) was developed in 2009, and the entire block was an empty field just two years earlier. There is nothing "heritage" about anything in the area.

I did know that; hence why I said 'presumably without'......

I was poking fun at the fact that this housing was built new, at the same scale as McGill-Granby.
