Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

Forgive me for saying it, but, is there no way we can remove any affiliation to the Trump brand? Politics and architecture seldom conflict, but the name Trump stands for everything Canadains despise. I know what you're thinking, and you're right, but just seeing that horrid excuse for a human beings name so high in our skyline just makes me cringe. Up until his campaign, I had no idea of what he truly stands for, and I'm appalled by it, and him. Am I the only one thinking this?

I'm glad you brought this up; Can we also get the offensive Trudeau name off the airport, mountain, and countless other buildings he's named for? I know what you're thinking, but it's cringeworthy to see that horrid excuse for a human being (his son included) with their name so high in our nations skyline.
I'm glad you brought this up; Can we also get the offensive Trudeau name off the airport, mountain, and countless other buildings he's named for? I know what you're thinking, but it's cringeworthy to see that horrid excuse for a human being (his son included) with their name so high in our nations skyline.

Yes, that's totally the same thing.
Any more trolling will be dealt with.

Stopped that dead in its tracks. Good. Now, does anyone know when the lighting strip will be operating permanently?

Also, are residents/guests using the terraces on the south side? Anyone with an office window nearby?
Trump sheds more of it's cladding!


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That is the feature of this tower's lighting - to have it on, and that too, partly, only once in a while, while it is off rest of the time. The lighting on this building is almost like a special event, which is in line with this building - special.
That is the feature of this tower's lighting - to have it on, and that too, partly, only once in a while, while it is off rest of the time. The lighting on this building is almost like a special event, which is in line with this building - special.

Thank you I didn't know that.
It's too bad because I remember a member of UT posted a video of the lighting and it was pretty good looking.
@CITY_LOVER is having a little fun with you @MoshiMoshiii. We simply do not know when the lighting will be turned on permanently here, but there's a good chance if will not happen now before the building's branding fate has been decided. If the owners of the building are trying to dump Trump, why would they turning on the lighting now to bring more attention to the building while his name is still attached to it?

