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The worst part about the mechanical box, besides the grey paneling, is the way it overwhelms the back of the onion dome. It would have looked much better if the dome was another two or three stories higher from where it is right now. The dome should soar with nothing distracting from it's presence (besides Scotia Plaza in the background, when viewed from a north westerly angle).
Sept 5th: Looks like the spire is clad...crows nest is back at the base of the spire...


I remember hearing a while back ( from Wopchop I believe) that some beams of the horizontal mullion caps are gonna be illuminated.. are they still doing this?

Also, are the curved caps that outline the dome gonna be lit up as well?
The worst part about the mechanical box, besides the grey paneling, is the way it overwhelms the back of the onion dome. It would have looked much better if the dome was another two or three stories higher from where it is right now. The dome should soar with nothing distracting from it's presence (besides Scotia Plaza in the background, when viewed from a north westerly angle).

I agree with you about the cladding, especially the grill vents (or whatever they are) that are placed in patches.
I also used to think that the mech box behind it was distracting, but if the dome (at the size it's at) were on it's own on a flat roof, the transition would be pretty awkward with this thing sticking out of one of the corners.

Perhaps the mech box shoulda been clad in some sorta spandrel material.

I also think the logo on the north side should have had more contrast with the mechanical box.. At nighttime this isn't as huge of an issue, but during the day, the silver font on a grey box doesn't workout great.
Now where THAT guy is at would be one hell of a vantage point to get a photo from.

Tomms posted a couple of terrific night shots from the crows nest where it is is normally positioned, a few dozen feet below where it is in that photo.
That's not nearly as precarious as dangling up along side a steel beam on a tiny platform an additional 70-odd feet in the air & being left with no where to escape :eek:
I'm surprised with TIFF launching tonight and boatloads of international media in town that they still haven't got it together to illuminate the TRUMP signs at the top of the building.

A month ago I saw some very vibrant, colourful lighting on The Trump spire but now it seems quite dull. Why are they not showing what this spire can do, for TIFF? Now is the time to pull out all the stops and put on a spectacular light show.
That was testing they were doing. Michael Snow designed various animated compositions for Trump's LED system called Lightline that are to start in September (now) another feature that I kind of thought would have been ready in time for TIFF.
Lower scaffolding has now been removed

Not trying to nitpick, but it isn't a bomber. Pretty sure its a C-47 transport plane (the type used to drop paratroopers over Normandy on D-day)
I would like to see some big pots with greenery around that building. It'll make it much more sophisticated!!!
