Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

Double celebrity whammy in Toronto today!

"Meanwhile, Mr. Trump and his children Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric, will also descend in Toronto for a ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Trump International Hotel and Tower, near Bay and Adelaide streets."

Almost certainly the Trump Clan will be descending into Toronto on board "The Donald's" ultra luxurious 757 Private Jet!

For Airplane buffs you can track the flight at the link below:

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So they can fully appreciate the architecture, the Trumps should be forced to walk in through the parking area as pedestrians from Adelaide St., instead of being delivered to the lobby by car.
i walked in through the parking are to check out the restaurant. I told them i was in a rush because i was trying to catch a movie and i was looking for later. By the time I got back outside the parking guys and door man had some surprise truffle popcorn ready for me. We talked about 21 jump street, the movie my wife and I were going to, and then said goodbye. To be honest it seemed like everyone working in the hotel was under 30. Everyone was nice but I can see how the young age of the workers might turn off some older clients. As for everything else, it wasnt my taste. But the residences based on pictures looks really nice.
The staff at Trump Chicago were also young and very attractive. Probably a requirement when working under the "The Donald"
Was curious whether there were any signs of happenings from here across Bay St. Yep. Quite a few folks, some with cameras, watching from the north side of Adelaide.
Well, now that this is finally done after about 8 years of speculation, I have to say it's not terribly attractive.

I just can't get past the glass's kind of hideous.
Trump following Ford's footsteps in banning the Star?

The Star was denied entry at a Toronto press conference featuring real estate mogul and reality TV star Donald Trump Monday to officially open the new Trump International Hotel.

Why? A spokesperson at the event said the event was “invitation only†and the room full.

The Star was not invited to the launch.
Trump following Ford's footsteps in banning the Star?

Trump Toronto's biggest dissin' in architectural critiques came from The Star's C. Hume. He didn't just criticize, he trashed. So, it's personal. (I don't agree with Hume, btw). But there you have it, that's how The Don works. I'd be flattered to be left off his list.

If you want some interesting reading, try "Empire" by Mitchell Pacelle. It chronicles the story of Trump's attempts to own the Empire State Building, his tangles with Leona Helmsley, etc. It is an eye-opener.
