Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

Do u guys get out much???? I'm currently in Chicago and was at the wit last night. They charged 26$ for a glass of martini, plus tips. Go to London, go to new York. Some clubs u won't even be able to get into unless u pay thousands.
U wanna be world class and then u balk at the prices.

I find asking for "tap water" $2.50 outrageous. The prices are already high. If you need to charge more, bury it in the overpriced other drinks like you suggest.

I don't care if we are "world class" or not.

This absolute lack of correlation of any sense of value; care of cost of anything is exactly I fear what is leading to the "occupy wall street" movements here and around the World. People unfortunately mainly in the financial world who are making salaries/bonuses totally discommensurate with what they actually contribute to society are the ones who adopt this "easy come" easy go approach.

I can already hear the calls that I am jealous and envious and nothing could be farther from the truth. Just because London or New York or even Chicago charge $26 for a martini + tips does not justify "tap water" being charged at all in my view. By the way, I have no problems paying $15 for a martini but $26 in my estimation is a bit high but then I guess I am just not "world class".
Do u guys get out much???? I'm currently in Chicago and was at the wit last night. They charged 26$ for a glass of martini, plus tips. Go to London, go to new York. Some clubs u won't even be able to get into unless u pay thousands.
U wanna be world class and then u balk at the prices.

STOCK isn't a club, its five star restaurant. Rich people will pay thousands for bottle of wine for dinner, but they do expect standard things like water and ice cubes for free, and free bread if its an Italian restaurant.

I have dined at many four and five star restaurants in NYC, Chicago, Vancouver, Vegas. Outstanding service, is large part of five star dining experience. All wait staff at STOCK should be properly trained in 5 star etiquette.
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I don't think stock was ever meant to be a high end, exquisite, fine dining experience. Look at the name!! Money money and more money. Lol.
It's there to cater to the business clientele who enjoy steak and potatoes. Lol
There's something to that, tho. In many places service is seen as an actual profession, not just something for college kids to do part-time while they finish their arts degrees. There are a few places around town that deliver exemplary service (some of the O&B restaurants come to mind), but for the most part service in Toronto ranges from inept to outright rude.
I'm not saying this isn't a relevant discussion, but could this be moved to a Toronto dining or hotel customer service thread, rather than the construction thread?
March 27





That maintenance "wheel" around the spire is rather unfortunate. Would have been great if it could have been designed in rather than an afterthought.
That maintenance "wheel" around the spire is rather unfortunate. Would have been great if it could have been designed in rather than an afterthought.

My guess is it's designed to be disassembled and put away until it's needed again. I don't see how permanently leaving it there is even an option.
wow that wheel thing is permanent??... if wopchop truly did say it then i trust him, but a really wouldn't think so.. wouldn't it just be there to install the LED's on the spire???
It can't be permanent. If it was to be permanent, why would they not at least paint it to match the building, so it wouldn't stick out so much? I cannot believe they would build a major tower like this, then leave on such a crude thing like that. It's not in any of the renderings or videos.
