Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

If you can lay into trumptoronto with a full load of invective, he is entitled to defend his position. I don't think I want to see restrictions on who posts here, and I for one don't mind trumptoronto showing up now and then to report on the development he is working on. Calling him a joke on the fact that he works for a project you despise is a little over the top.

I concur with your sentiments and would never imply that any opinions should be censored, mine included.
Sure. And move the goal-posts another 20 yards in and I'm sure you'll be at 100%. You can manipulate the numbers however you want, it still appears to be a financial disaster in my opinion. These projects need to get from land sale to construction well before you guys likely will and I can only imagine the cost of the delays and redesigns. You certainly are correct however, as I have not seen any budgets, I am not involved in any way in these project and have no vested interest in it at this time other than an admittedly negative bias against the site selection for what appears to be a high end residential project. I find it quite ironic how the arrogance of the franchisor in believing that he has the midas touch may actually come back to bite him in the behind. I suppose that makes me quite ordinary in the context of all the other negative feedback that I've noted here.

What a joke! You're on a public internet message board defending your '$500,000,000' project! Somehow I can't really imagine the Minto team campaigning online in support of their Yonge & Eglinton tower in the face of scrutiny. I suppose you are only doing your job and I respect your enthusiasm very much. Let's hope you are compensated up front for your efforts. Obviously the well founded criticism has really gotten to you. As far as my credibility is concerned, well, I'm nobody, just an alias on a message board. Your superiors on the other hand are fodder for the Toronto development industry.

Personally, I can't wait until I'm able to pick up some suites in this building at 50% of your costs once the project ultimately craters as Stinson's did and as dozens of projects are doing in the high end of the Miami scene at this very moment.

Despite all the bickering and overblown negativity, I think most Torontonians are excited about Trump setting up in Toronto. The name alone will propel Toronto into international recognition, statesmanship and 5-star luxury appeal. Such projects are necessary for a city to be truly worldclass. And it's about time...Toronto finally grew-up.

I think the building at 57 storeys is terrific. I am thrilled to learn the project is breaking ground in September. This can only mean great things for Toronto - spinoffs - and uber happy Bay Street visitors/workers. It's good for everyone in the end. You'll see.

Wow Patriot, are you on Nitrous Oxide?

While I think Vultur goes far to far with doom and gloom on this building, your overly perky, bouncy post strikes me as the equal and opposite rose-coloured view that TrumpToronto will no doubt be thrilled to see.

Somewhere more to the tepid middle ground lies the 'truth' regarding this project: while Trump's name smells world-class to a some, it more reeks world-crass to many others. You and I likely disagree on which camp is the larger one.

I think the largest camp is the 'I don't really care' camp. I am amazed at the amount of electronic ink spilled over a name and personality. I would guess that most of us here are interested in the building, as a building, as opposed to the marketing approach.
Few would care about this building if Trump wasn't involved, although there would probably be more boring posts about the cladding or how it meets the street.
I think most people do have an opinion about Mr. Trump. If his name weren't attached to the building... it's still a 57 floor building in a prominent location. People would care, but this thread would be half the length.

Yeah, the thread would be much shorter, with fewer people commenting in it, and all of the posts would be about the cladding.
Once finished, the Trump Tower will generate in millions in municipal taxes. That'll pay for something.
Don't worry TrumpToronto. Deep down I think most of us are eagerly looking forward to such a tall project going up, that we want it to happen more than we will let on. Or maybe I'm just speaking for myself.
I think most people do have an opinion about Mr. Trump. If his name weren't attached to the building... it's still a 57 floor building in a prominent location.
But to people who seldom venture into the downtown core, the "prominent location" doesn't figure as it might...
Walked past today (Sept 04) and they were busy tearing apart the interior of the sales office.

Here we go.............
