Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

Very nice shots, they're picking up speed on the cladding now.

I wonder if that window actually opens. I guess for consistancy they want opening windows all the way up, but it doesn't seem necessary in the parking garage.
The turquoise is kind of garish but it's growing on me. Thanks for the pics cathane74 and lightarchitect and steveve, thanks for the 'very clownish' comment. Made me laugh. :p
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From the images, these panels are completely opaque, or at best only barely translucent. Their primary purpose appear to be cladding, in three (so far) colours -- dark grey, lighter grey and turquoise. Although the distinction between the two shades of grey might be simply due to different angles of reflection. I would expect the first transparent windows to show up once the non-parking levels start to be clad.

The one on far left is an opaque spandrel, the other three (the ones you're describing as lighter grey) are translucent vision units
It's a welcomed shock. :)

But... I can see the concrete right through the first piece of glazing they put up. Err.... :confused:
It's a welcomed shock. :)

But... I can see the concrete right through the first piece of glazing they put up. Err.... :confused:

Upon closer examination you will notice you are not seeing through to the concrete beneath at all... The spandrel and glass are just dusty!!!

This is a construction site after all and they haven't cleaned the surface yet. You can see glove-prints and smudges on the edges from the workers installing it.


(courtesy Caltrane74)
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See throughing.....

I'll be honest with you, I was down there on the day the first panel was going up and I swear I could see the concrete through the glass.
I guess so....

Have to take people's word that you can't see through the glass but I have to admit, that glass looks killer....
