Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

ya, I know - I just have a pet peeve about that place. Ironic that it represents such wealth and is lavish inside and this north wall just looks like hell!
I assume it was boxed in by an existing building, and they haven't bothered to clean it up. Does anyone know what was previously at this corner?
Before being a parking lot it was the former headquarters of Woolco. At one point it was a Woolworths with offices above and was maybe 6 floors tall (IIRC). Wal Mart bought Woolco and moved the HQ to Mississauga and the building was torn down. This would have been in the early 90's I think. The National Club wall would have looked into a alley and, as such, wasn't visable until the building was torn down.
drove by the site today. The steel is being used to construct the hoarding. I've never seen this before, but this is the studiest hoarding ever, sufficent to withstand several years or even decades of delays. This is what they should have used at Nevertropolis.
here is the picture i took from yesterday. looks like a sturdy little bugger.

This sort of structural steel hoarding can mean only one thing. Extravagant advertisement display brought to you by your friendly neighbourhood trump tower.
I wonder if it has something to do with the height of the building and the tight site. Wood hoarding could easily accommodate advertising.
Probably has to do with work that will be done over the walkway (extra safety). It's a cramped area to be doing construction.
won't be as pretty once the two storeys of construction offices are added on top
well, this is the surest sign yet that things are moving ahead. I still hadnt been convinced by the heavy equipment... Should be an interesting sight / site to see how they handle all the logistics on this very tight lot.
This sort of structural steel hoarding can mean only one thing. Extravagant advertisement display brought to you by your friendly neighbourhood trump tower.

That is where the contractor shacks will be located.

Having more than two on top of one another will require better support than normal hording.

Looks like a gate onto Bay St being setup.

Once they start digging and construction, traffic is going to become a mess on both streets.


They had to remove the hydro vault to get the foundation wall in place. Hydro stuff is gone.
