Toronto St Lawrence Condos at 158 Front | 91.44m | 26s | Cityzen | a—A

Those renderings perfectly demonstrate why this current design would be such a disaster. It really makes no attempt whatsoever to fit in with the existing neighbourhood. Even at this height, it could be designed much better. Instead we get more Baystreetification.
I am told by City staff that there were no conditions on the sale and the buyer was well aware of the current zoning heights and densities. I suspect they will get more than is currently allowed but not as much as they first requested and the architects are, supposedly, working on a re-think as their first effort was not well received by the Design Review Panel.

Sorry, I don't buy it. These are pretty sophisticated people. I used to buy land and develop stores for a major retailer - ten or more acres at a time. and I can assure you there were sufficient conditions in the agreements to kill the deal if zoning, SPA or building permits were not obtained. I simply can’t believe these guys don’t do the same thing. It's standard practice, you get control of the land (contract) then you pursue the necessary approvals - which are definitely a condition of the deal. Honestly the value of the land it totally dependent on its use and the purchaser's ability to use it accordingly.
Sorry, I don't buy it. These are pretty sophisticated people. I used to buy land and develop stores for a major retailer - ten or more acres at a time. and I can assure you there were sufficient conditions in the agreements to kill the deal if zoning, SPA or building permits were not obtained. I simply can’t believe these guys don’t do the same thing. It's standard practice, you get control of the land (contract) then you pursue the necessary approvals - which are definitely a condition of the deal. Honestly the value of the land it totally dependent on its use and the purchaser's ability to use it accordingly.

I am reporting what I heard from 'a generally reliable source" and the Report on the Property (copy at Lyon Report.pdf ) seems pretty clear as to what other heights have been approved in the area. I guess we will see what transpires.
I am reporting what I heard from 'a generally reliable source"

My apologies - my response wasn't intended as a "shot" - just one of those responses that falls off your fingers faster than you are thinking.

If in fact there were no such conditions, my hats off to the guys with the big cahonies. I hope he is remembered well.
I just noticed that the Greyhound offices etc on the site have closed and the architects who had offices above seem to have moved out too. The Demolition Permit applied for on 28 July is still 'Under Review' but I assume it will get approved and the building will go in the not too distant future.
Last edited: have the parcel express facilities themselves been moved to a different location? Where will you go to pick up a parcel once demolition begins? have the parcel express facilities themselves been moved to a different location? Where will you go to pick up a parcel once demolition begins?

Most parcels could already be collected at the Dundas/Bay bus station, if that is how they were addressed. The sign on the 154 Front Street building says that if you were expecting a parcel at Front you must go to Bouchette Street - between Lakeshore and Commissioners just east of the Don.
Yup demolition seems to be underway. I pass this place twice a week on my way to the rehearsal studios at sherbourne and front. Walked by today and the fencing is up. Looked like they were working on taking down the roof on the west face of the building. I am going to love the short period of time that this lot is empty, cuz in my opinion ugly is being replaced with ugly...only time will tell
My office overlooks the 'action', which has mainly consisted of a guy in a Bobcat shoveling around a small pile of crap while they gut the inside... looks like this might take awhile.

Here's a quick video, I'll post more as it progresses...

Is this where that cheap building with the tiny apartments is going to be built, sort of a Super City building set type building, mostly owned by overseas investors ?
