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Toronto St. Clair West Transit Improvements | ?m | ?s | TTC

Before we start screaming at the City, are we really sure this was an accident and not planned?

It's pretty difficult to lay concrete and track like that. I think if something were accidental, you'd see straight sections at odd angles trying to meet up, no? Was St.Clair ever a straight street to begin with? Maybe they were able to avoid grading the street by making that stretch bendy.

No, St Clair was not straight before construction, but very few bends were hard to find.

The City instructed the contractor to change his attack on doing this project more times than enough.

The City sent out the survey team to layout out the construction points.

The contractor dug the track and road out as per the markings by the City.

Beacon acting as a sub contractor to Black & McDonald laid the conduit piping in the ROW base.

The contractor than place the water drains and marked out where the Vaults were to go and manhole frame based on City measurements. Once this was done, then the concrete base for the tracks was pour.

TTC crews came in after the base is pour to start placing the steel ties at X spacing. Sometimes, the ties ended up where a drain or manhole cover was forcing ties to be re-space or another one added. Rail in 100 meter lengths were place on top of the ties. The rail was fitted into the anchor slots and anchor into place. Track crews then started to level the rail and alignment of the rail according to City measurement. This was done in long section closing off various streets.

At Major intersections, it was close for a weekend while it was tore up and rebuilt with the rail in place as an on going process. In a few places, The City didn't allow this forcing the contractor to stop short of the intersection and start on the west side. Track was place on the west side and pour in place before the intersection was touch. TTC Crews would connect to the 2 sections already in place with the new track.

This process happen up to just before Oakwood Ave. The Contractor plan was to keep on going through Oakwood intersection without stopping. The City said no as they wanted either Glenholme of Northcliffe intersection open first before Oakwood could be touch. That never happen to the point Glenholme was finally open about 3 weeks after Oakwood was 100% done.

This meant that TTC had to moved the store rails west of Glenholme to another site near Oakwood. Extra cost doing this. At the same time, the contractor had to start work 600m west of Oakwood. The City was making changes on the fly.

The Contractor was almost complete getting Glenholme done when the City told the contractor to go over to Christie St to do that intersection. The City then said we are now going to do part of Oakwood Intersection.

With the rails store over by Oakwood, it came a mess for traffic on St Clair trying to go from one side of the street to the other and than back is a short confined space.

On and on I could go, but at the end of the day, The City cause this mess. I don't know the contractor nor have I worked for the City thankful, But I know construction screw ups when I see them from past experience on job sites.

TTC is some what at fault by not having a project manger saying these errors are unacceptable and fix it before our rails are pour or place.

This is the results of trying to cow bow to traffic and on street parking.

Traffic cannot make turn as cars/trucks are parked where they should not be in the first place.

Rail can be bent after one section is pour and wood bracing is used to force the unpour tracks over to be were they are supposed to be.

All manholes are supposed to be dead centre of the tracks or between the 2 tracks, but there a numerous ones within a few inches of the rail where a bend is taking place and that saying Oppss!!>

As a note, overhead wires have now been installed to Dufferin St from Robina Ave, but string tie to the support brackets.

Take a look at what was done at Dufferin St the past few week to the platforms and the street corners 18 months after they were built and no service to the platforms yet. Oppps!!
This is precisely why the TTC needs to take their heads out of their asses and seriously look at side of road ROW's on Eglinton. The mess of parking and left turn lanes and the ROW weaving in and around them is every bit as bad as the renderings shown for the new Cherry Street. Not even the traffic lanes are straight..

Now as much as the anti-TC, pro-subway crowd around here wants to turn UT into the Toronto Star comments section, I'm sorry to disappoint, but they can in fact do it properly as they did on Spadina.

Edit: telephoto lenses compress objects in the image together when images are taken from far away
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It was just on the local news -- I missed it, but friend caught a bit -- probably on Global local news 11:30.
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I took a ride on the ROW today, and that photo definitely makes it look worse than it is. Don't get me wrong, the stretch at Glenholme it's still more curvy than it should be, but not more so the rest of St Clair west.

I think it's as bad or worse past Caledonia. The tracks basically get worse and worse at they go west from St Clair West station. Honestly I think things are being blown a little out of proportion though. Is ideal? Nope, they could've tried harder to straighten the line, but I don't think the ride is gonna be as bad on the Streetcar as everyone thinks it'll be. It was never really gonna travel that fast anyway with that stop spacing...

Coincidentally, the ROW makes an excellent bike path.
Its an optical illusion

"It's an optical illusion," TTC chairman Councillor Adam Giambrone said last night. "There is really no issue." :eek:

This boondoggle was the brainchild of TTC vice-chair Joe Mihevc. His promises on the cost and how quickly it would be done have all been surpassed years ago.

I hope they both pay the price in next year's election but Mihevc is very popular due to his own selfpromotion and the fact most of us are sheep who keep in reelecting incumbents who are almost never thrown out of office municipally.

I guess the huge cost overruns are an optical illussion too? :mad:
Optical illusion my laurels. I suggest Giambrone take the 512 when the ROW is finished and see if his laurels can take such a ride.
uh oh ...

It was only a matter of time, look what you caused drum! :p

First up, national post.

TTC's take: this is all normal, designed by "engineers"

I can sleep very well at night causing this fall out as poor planning and workmanship is unacceptability in my book.

It time both the City and TTC get into the 21st world, not the 19th times. Too many empires within in both places and time to start working as one to service the public as well reducing cost.

I support the ROW, but not the design nor the need for the ""CAR""
Steve Munro weighs in with lots of photography:

His position mirrors the TTC, that the compressing nature of telephoto lenses accentuates the curves. But see for yourself, as he has posted extensive photographs at two focal lengths.
Steve Munro weighs in with lots of photography:

His position mirrors the TTC, that the compressing nature of telephoto lenses accentuates the curves. But see for yourself, as he has posted extensive photographs at two focal lengths.

Steve Munro even said the following:

"I believe that the shots that have been published suit the agenda of the anti-St. Clair and, by extension, anti-Transit City factions who seek to discredit what the TTC is doing by any means possible."
