Developer: Pemberton Group
Architect: RAW Design
Address: 215 Church St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2024
Height: 541 ft / 164.89 mStoreys: 52 storeys
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Toronto Social at Church + Dundas | 164.89m | 52s | Pemberton | RAW Design

It's like a cactus, or Monde amped up. Kind of unsettling to look at.
The glass box decorated with some gimmicky balcony treatment now seems like an easy way to create an interesting building with little effort or thought.
It would be great to see elegant buildings that are not so balcony-centric, like in New York.
Like it or not (and certainly not everybody does), Toronto is Balconyland when it comes to building design. Not that every building has to compete that way, but given that the vast bulk of our new housing is in high-rise condos, the bulk of them are going to have value engineered building envelops to keep the building affordable. Balconies have been tapped as the least expensive way to give a building its own personalty, so…

We are getting quite the range of balcony expressions, and a lot of them have been worth celebrating including recent additions to the scene like U Condos and 1Thousand Bay. 1 Bloor West could be great, Harbour Plaza is looking promising, Monde will indeed be interesting too, and I'm happy enough with this proposed addition to Balconpalooza.

Anticipated in 2018? How quickly can they finish this building?

Sorry about the newb question, but considering they have to presale the units before they can even break ground, isn't the date a little aggressive?
Balconies are everywhere and used as design elements frequently. You'd be hard pressed to find another city in Can/Us that consistently crams that many units in a 40ish storey building. Boxes on top of boxes insides of bigger boxes is the only way to have some sort of functional space.
Anticipated in 2018? How quickly can they finish this building?

Sorry about the newb question, but considering they have to presale the units before they can even break ground, isn't the date a little aggressive?

Aggressive and meaningless except when it comes to selling.
I personally think it should be illegal to give a false representation of the completion and occupancy dates during marketing, if it isn't already.
I personally think it should be illegal to give a false representation of the completion and occupancy dates during marketing, if it isn't already.

Yeah. Massey tower is marketed for 2016 completion, now more like 2020. Yonge and rich is advertised for 2018 now not even a hole is dug.
This building needs to be refined completely. While the balcony treatment looks exciting, there are too many elements, particularly with the mundane base. I'd prefer to see the entire building in one sleek finish with the top mechanical penthouse being disguised in some way. If the glass on the balconies are clear, just image the horrible visual clutter!!!
Anticipated in 2018? How quickly can they finish this building?

Sorry about the newb question, but considering they have to presale the units before they can even break ground, isn't the date a little aggressive?

They won't. I wouldn't expect an OMB hearing until 2017 at this point... so 2019? 2020?
They have a pre-hearing date of July 6, 2016 to work out when the hearing would be (typically several months after). Lately, many of these end up becoming a mediation that the Board ends up ratifying once a settlement is reached.

