Toronto Sherbourne Common, Canada's Sugar Beach, and the Water's Edge Promenade | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto | Teeple Architects

fantastic pics of a very unique situation! but I agree you wouldnt want to see it this way all the time... cant wait until they clean up that industrial looking sidwalk area on Queen's Quay.
They definitely need to do something about that sidewalk around the site.

and as I was walking away, I noticed that they added a very small boardwalk on the sand starting from the cobblestone path, and surrounding one of the umbrellas. Great for people who don't want to get sand in their shoes I guess!

The boardwalk gives those in wheelchairs, etc., access to the beach!

I was here on Saturday and for a nice sunny but still relatively cool day I was pleasantly surprised with how many people were lounging at this beach. Lots of families with kids. That boardwalk is a nice idea. I noticed an elderly lady (can't remember if she was in a wheelchair or not) with some apparatus sitting at the edge and thought it was real nice as otherwise some may feel like they can't have access. Although anyone can hang on the edge of the beach on the sidewalk. The boardwalk makes the beach accessible.

I'll definitely get used to sitting at this beach when I move to the hood next year. :)
A few more dogs roaming around will put an end to that.

HAHA exactly what I was going to say, Ive heard of dogs being trained to chase those peky pooping machines off of areas, I think one dedicated doggy and a handler, that doubles as a general grounds keeper, would not only be good for keeping geese away, but might also become a staple of the park, the sort of duo that might one earn themselves a small bronze statue for public service.
Bzzt. Try again.

- Flood prevention landform that allows development on most of the land to occur is complete.
- Sewer system through West Don Lands complete.
- HtO Park complete.
- Port Union Waterfront Park complete.
- Marilyn Bell Park and Western Beaches Watercourse complete.
- Mimico Waterfront Park Phase I complete.
- Sherbourne Common south complete.
- Waterfront Edge at Harbourfront complete.
- Three wave decks complete.
- Sugar Beach complete.
- Corus Quay complete.
- Cherry Beach renovation complete.

Under Development
- Union Station second platform project under construction.
- George Brown college under construction.
- Canada Square under construction.
- Bayside Development contract signed.
- Parkside Development contract signed.
- Queens Quay LRT and street makeover EA complete.
- Cherry LRT EA complete.
- West Don Lands neighbourhood study and EA complete.
- River City Development contract signed.
- Pan Am Games development in advanced planning.
- Don River Park under construction.
- Underpass Park design complete.
- Keating Channel precinct plan complete.
- Mouth of Don design competition and EA complete.
- Lake Ontario Park master plan complete.

This is great info! lists and straight facts! any chacne theres a way to get a list of whats left to be done and how much we the tax payers are looking at it costing?

On another note entirely just for the forum in general I have to say that there was a time the jays were winning pennants Toronto was the #1 city in the world to live in and we had a mayor that managed to get federal and provincial funding for projects. Well all I can say is all the oppurtunities given up through the nineties by idiot beaurocrats and all the money we saw Ottawa run off with from Toronto tax payers for the capital beautification tax. We had one guy who was reversing this trend he put implace more regulations for public health safety and recreation, and saw more projects started to put this city back in the race for #1 then weve seen in 40 years and that was David Miller. I hated that union strike more than most I had to live right beside one of the garbage drop offs, but ide rather put up with the smell of garbage in my backyard for a year then watch rob ford destroy what Miller got rolling in this city. and come next election i hope I put a huge kink in that fat straw Ford has dropped into the gravy trains boiler and watch him shrivel away.
in response to my own post I am sorry for any excessively crass or politically agressive preachy language.

I love these develoments myself and classes of other design students both landscape and urban planning, integrated landscape planners have visited numerous times and love that for the next generation of design students across this province we can look forward to its capital having truly inspirational destinations and our field trips can be more numerous and local rather then one a year to newyork or chicago.

I hope in 100 years we can look back on these projects and our grandchildren will say isn't it great we have these increadable spaces cause they did it right the first time, eer well ok the 3rd time. but you get the idea, just like we can apreciate UofT campus or Queens park, things like old city hall and Expedition grounds, and our older neighbourhoods like Rosedale and Forrest hill. 2012 is less then likely to be the end of the world but its how some politicians are acting I rather like to beleive building it to last is always a good call.
The attention to urban design details at Sugar Beach, both functional and aesthetic, is incredible. It seems like we keep finding interesting details like that boardwalk. Waterfront Toronto should see to it that international books on contemporary urban design feature this public space because it's a gem by any standard. The feeling of being there is sublime.
The attention to urban design details at Sugar Beach, both functional and aesthetic, is incredible. It seems like we keep finding interesting details like that boardwalk. Waterfront Toronto should see to it that international books on contemporary urban design feature this public space because it's a gem by any standard. The feeling of being there is sublime.

If you've taken a sneek peak at the north end of Sheborne commons (mind my spelling) it's just as good if not better!

This can't be Toronto ;) ...
And yet - with respect to the current Fort York Pedestrian Bridge nixing controversy - it's worth noting that Ford's Randian-this-is-the-way-the-world-ought-to-work-mentality would have prevented things like Sugar Beach from being funded years back.
Q on Sherbourne Common North Opening

I've looked at the WT website and here, and I haven't seen an opening date for the north part of the park. Does anyone know when it'll go live? It's looking more and more complete every time I go by.

thx in advance
