Toronto Sherbourne Common, Canada's Sugar Beach, and the Water's Edge Promenade | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto | Teeple Architects

If we're going corporate, why not tie it into nearby industry? Redpath Park. Along with the nearby Sugar Beach, we could have a whole stretch of recreational areas named in honour of our friendly local sugar refinery. In all honesty, Redpath Park is better than half that list, and perhaps they could incorporate some red into the walkways for an even more literal meaning.
Redpath Park has a nice ring to it.

However, they probably won't buy into it at Sherbourne. Maybe they'd consider changing Sugar Beach to Redpath Park. But no chance that they'll surround Corus with references to another business.
After some thought, I went and voted for Sherbourne Commons. It's the most sensible and non-contrived of them all, even if it's not particularly interesting. The name serves a simple geographic purpose: anyone familiar with Toronto would figure out where it was located without needing to look it up.

Also, I think further discussion of other park names beyond the eight chosen finalists is purely academic. It's highly unlikely they will deviate from these now.
After some thought, I went and voted for Sherbourne Commons. It's the most sensible and non-contrived of them all, even if it's not particularly interesting. The name serves a simple geographic purpose: anyone familiar with Toronto would figure out where it was located without needing to look it up.

Also, I think further discussion of other park names beyond the eight chosen finalists is purely academic. It's highly unlikely they will deviate from these now.

I came to a similar conclusion. Years ago I sat on a naming committee for a large regional area east of Toronto. The choices polarized around a name which had geographical and historical resonance, and one which was purely generic. Well, the latter name was chosen , and after the usual marketing, ( thousands of dollars ), and vetting of the new name, this committtee- approved name simply vanished.
It does have a ring to it, but they didn't pay for the project, so it can be constructed as getting naming rights for free. Besides, there is probably more fitting a name for Sugar Beach in terms of geographical location.

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After some thought, I went and voted for Sherbourne Commons. It's the most sensible and non-contrived of them all, even if it's not particularly interesting. The name serves a simple geographic purpose: anyone familiar with Toronto would figure out where it was located without needing to look it up.

I share this sentiment and voted for Sherbourne Commons (and only Sherbourne Commons). Not interesting (and I really wish they'd just keep it Sherbourne Park), but no one is going to really appreciate the other names.

I'm a bit biased towards Merchant's Wharf Park because I have come to appreciate such references to previous wharfs upon my purchase at Market Wharf. But I became objective and realized that people are going to expect vendors selling their wares at the park and so it wouldn't make sense to most people.

I'm all for naming parks based on Iroquoian references. However, the general population is never going to "get it" unless they truly install some interesting Iroquoian history to the park in addition to the name. Just placing a label on a piece of land isn't going to bring any respect, education, or appreciation. It's just lip service. I would love to visit Tkaronto Park or Kanadario Park if when I went there there were historical artifacts, pieces of art, and other features in order to appreciate the name.
And why on earth would they replace the name "Sherborne Park" with Market Warf or Bayside High or whatever?

My favourite: Sherborne Park (everybody will know what it is and where it is...and it has historical context. Everybody can be happy).
Ridout Park: Sounds like a bug-repellant.

Kanadario Park: Sounds like a shitty hi-tech company.

Blue Edge Park: Sounds like it's sponsored by a shaving company.

Merchant's Wharf Park: Say "wharf park" a few times out loud. Next.

Waterside Park: Pretty safe. Yes, the park is, in fact, beside the water.

Tkaronto Park: Awkward.

Sherbourne Commons: Terrible. Sounds like the name of a college Quad.

Better than all of the above:

Redpath Park, Sugar Beach. Sherbourne Park, Lower-Tier garten, Parc de Brian Burky, Stimulus Grant Park
The funny thing is that no one has any problem with calling it Sherbourne Park. So why are they even putting this to a vote to begin with? Call it Sherbourne Park!!
Ridout Park: Sounds like a bug-repellant.

Kanadario Park: Sounds like a shitty hi-tech company.

Blue Edge Park: Sounds like it's sponsored by a shaving company.

Merchant's Wharf Park: Say "wharf park" a few times out loud. Next.

Waterside Park: Pretty safe. Yes, the park is, in fact, beside the water.

Tkaronto Park: Awkward.

Sherbourne Commons: Terrible. Sounds like the name of a college Quad.

Better than all of the above:

Redpath Park, Sugar Beach. Sherbourne Park, Lower-Tier garten, Parc de Brian Burky, Stimulus Grant Park

Thanks. I suggested Kanadario Park but I wasn't thinking about a shitty hi-tech company. I was thinking about the people who used to live in the area and took care of the environment by living in harmony with nature. One of the functions of this park is to clean the water and return it to the lake in a rather stylish fashion in my opinion. I can't wait to see that sparkling cascading from those tall fixtures (for lack of a better word). I just thought that a word that acknowledged the people who lived here by using a word from their language would be a fitting tribute. Also, if a small plaque were placed in the park explaining the name....then perhaps we could also educate a few people at the same time. However, no name is going to please everyone. I just hope they pick something that has some meaning. The word "Kanadario" also seems to be a combination of 'Canada' and 'Ontario' and may indeed have been where Ontario got its name. An odd or unfamiliar sounding name can also become quite memorable.
If Redpath caught wind of this, and donated some money to the waterfront projects, I think Redpath Park would be quite decent. I'm starting to like it a bit (cue self back-patting), so perhaps I'll send in a tip to Redpath. Either way, some extra money always helps too.

Other than that, I voted for Market Wharf Park in the voting thread. Somehow it's stuck in my head, and I also really like the word wharf. Part of my imagination envisions farmer types and vendors setting up stands, selling local food and craft creations. Some unique food stands would be great too; I'm imagining the vibe of the events thrown over at the Harbourfront Centre tents like the hot and spicy food fest. Market Wharf ties into this quite nicely as a name, which is my justification for its vote.
