Toronto Scotiabank North Tower at Bay Adelaide Centre | 140.2m | 32s | Brookfield | KPMB

Why has this thread evolved into a " the other guy has more and bigger cranes than me " thread. We ain't them, and frankly, who cares. TO is on a roll,
more than most places in the world. You would think that would be good enough.
Yeah we are doing pretty good...haha but to compare us to NYC, that we will never be


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Yeah we are doing pretty good...haha but to compare us to NYC, that we will never be
Why must everybody always compare Toronto to New York City? It’s absolutely pointless, we are our own unique city, different than New York City, Chicago, LA, and any other major world city. We will never be any other city, and for the life of me I can’t understand why people insist upon using New York as a comparison. If you love New York that much, move there, otherwise stop comparing us to them, we will never ever catch up to them, just architecturally speaking, they have over 100 years of progress on us, not to mention the cultures, traditions, and history. We do however, have our own extremely unique cultures, traditions, and an Extremely rich and diverse history, that plays a pivotal role in Canadian history, and we still do to this very day as we lead the country in so many aspects. So please, let’s just appreciate Toronto as it’s own unique city, and stop comparing it to others, Toronto is Toronto, PERIOD!
Noticed that this morning. Biking down Richmond felt odd with all the trees removed from Cloud Gardens - it's almost sad in a way we are losing those mature trees. Cloud Gardens badly needs the renovation, but still sort of unfortunate.
I had no idea the cloud garden was going to be mostly razed?I was under the impression that the original gardens were to stay as is more or less. The trees were mature and the gardens were rather pleasant were they not? Are they recreating as originally designed or completely redesigning the gardens?
I'm hoping that this development will make this stretch of Richmond Street feel less like the ass-end of Hudson's Bay. Maybe it will spur them into opening up those ad-covered windows, and add some vibrancy to this dead-zone.
I had no idea the cloud garden was going to be mostly razed?I was under the impression that the original gardens were to stay as is more or less. The trees were mature and the gardens were rather pleasant were they not? Are they recreating as originally designed or completely redesigning the gardens?
It was always the plan to re-do the external Cloud Garden Park and use space for the work area during construction. Though there were trees there many of them had died and were already gone and those left nearer to Richmond were not great. It is built on top of garage so they also needed to fix the roof membrane. I hope that the City or ?? might organise a competition for this park; it's small but an important speck of public green space.
I'm hoping that this development will make this stretch of Richmond Street feel less like the ass-end of Hudson's Bay. Maybe it will spur them into opening up those ad-covered windows, and add some vibrancy to this dead-zone.

you sound like "Anti-Hudson's Bay"?
you sound like "Anti-Hudson's Bay"?
I would concur with them. It is the ass-end of the Bay... I work right by there and always walk through... you have the bicycle delivery people mingled with crackheads that linger all day long in that park, smoking and yelling at each other. Time to cleanse this city, development by development, step by step.
^^ yeeesh. Just dropping by to say that Brookfield should dedicate a new POPS or at least a plaque to the bike couriers who used to blaze here.
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