Toronto Scotiabank North Tower at Bay Adelaide Centre | 140.2m | 32s | Brookfield | KPMB

I STILL wish we had the original 80's office proposal (with the spire) that had a lower north building with a heritage component. Oh well. that was then this is now :-(
The spire could have been a dome! When they marketed it they would do a switcheroo on the model. If you agreed to lease enough space you could decide what the crown would be.
Scotiaplaza is considered to be one of the most significant works of Post Modern architecture. But yes, it isn't exactly ostentatious.
Nevermind Mississauga City Hall - Confed Life/Rogers

I thought of that one. Great example but too small and out of the way. I’m talking about those ridiculous spired towers you find all over the United States. It’s like Toronto missed the memo.

Montreal’s 1000 DLG is my favourite PoMo building in the country. Sorry Scotia. Close but no cigar.
I thought of that one. Great example but too small and out of the way. I’m talking about those ridiculous spired towers you find all over the United States. It’s like Toronto missed the memo.

Montreal’s 1000 DLG is my favourite PoMo building in the country. Sorry Scotia. Close but no cigar.

I was going to mention 1000 DLG in my comment on wanting a few American-style PoMo office towers in Toronto like Atlanta's Bank of America Plaza. It's certainly closer to what I had in mind.
I was never a fan of the old spired Bay-Adelaide design- it seemed very middle-America pomo. That's not too say I wouldn't like to see more diversity in design here, but I would prefer to see more buildings with international flavour- more along the lines of what you see in the City of London or Hong Kong. I think the Well is a step in the right direction in that regard.
But the skyline would be more interesting with both a Scotia Plaza and 1000 DLG. You have to play the game of architecture to win, not for the participation trophy. That means dominating in every segment.
1000 DLG would look great in Toronto. It’s got the business at the bottom party at the top thing Toronto’s earlier condo architecture was known for.
I don't know, what comes after PoMo ? We missed a 1000 DLG stature edifice in that cycle, and I'm unconvinced that's a bad thing. However, if the game is dominating new segments to follow, some kind of antidote to the numbingly nondescript slabs this city regurgitates needs to emerge.
Postmodernism pushed boundaries. It made Foster, Gehry, Calatrava, etc. stars. I don't see that with either 1000DLG or Scotia Plaza. Still, both are more than just modern takes on 1920s New York/Chicago.
