Sir Novelty Fashion
Senior Member
...and for adma, my hearty endorsement for head of the Irony Detection Unit.
Here here!Why not just bring the Leaf's back "home" then "blow out" the roof @ACC and build condos there? Makes too much bloody sense...!
Isn't it the roof itself that is one of the building's most distinguished architectural/historical features?
Automation Gallery for head of Heritage Preservation!
Actually, I hear that there's a provision in the Ontario Heritage Act that says that you can do whatever you like with designated properties as long as your proposal ends with the sentence, "Yeah i know its a heritage building."
And I do think the store will eventually happen. I've heard nothing to indicate that it won't. Loblaw has been distracted by more pressing concerns, which will hopefully be resolved in the not-so-distant future.
I dont know about that,the two buildings MLG and the art deco warehouse at Bathurst and Lakeshore,which they both have proposed new Loblaws mega stores are very expensive buildings to preserve and renovate according to todays codes.Look at the Automotove the CNE 40 million bucks,Rebuilding and renovating any one of these structures could cost just as much or more.
I think the Westons have better ways to spend their money and will eventully flip these properties.
Let's hope MLG is flipped soon. Do we really want to wait another 10 years while (almost) an entire city block in the centre of town rots? Kyle Rae, the city, the province, even the nation should nudge the Westons in that direction. They've sat on this site far too long, to the detriment of the city. How about some combo of bars, a classy LCBO like at Summerhill Station, and a National Museum of Canada? Hockey Hall of Fame relocation? Or even more ambitious - Museum of The Americas? A combination of some retail with a cultural centre would be much better than a friggin "Superstore" which is nothing more than a glorified Walmart.