Toronto Ryerson Student Learning Centre | 50.59m | 8s | Ryerson University | Zeidler

Pure conjecture. A court would want better proof: for example, starting with the fellow captured on CCTV, they'd want a demonstrable link between him and the owners. Otherwise you'd probably have more than enough reasonable doubt.

Nonetheless, if this were Vegas, everyone knows who they'd put their money on.

Doesn't matter. Whoever set the fire should be awarded some sort of prize. This ridiculous "heritage" thing is so annoying and gets in the way of many real develpment projects so often. I mean, if it is really a nice building with some archetectural value instead of a pure shack, I can accept it. They are usually not.

I just hope not many simliar shacks on Yonge st between College and Bloor are heritage buildings as well.
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I eagerly await your definition of "some architectural value", particularly vis-a-vis that of the "real development projects".


Ryerson gets nod for striking, glass-encased Yonge building

Natalie Alcoba Nov 3, 2011 – 9:09 AM ET

Ryerson University got the go ahead to build a striking, glass-encased structure for its new student learning centre where Sam the Record Man once stood at the corner of Yonge and Gould streets.

“This will be an iconic building for the street and I think will become one of the most photographed buildings of Toronto once it’s constructed,” said Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, who represents the area. “Does it fit perfectly into Yonge Street? Not really, not yet, I’m told. Can it? I think we need to take a chance here.”
Doesn't matter. Whoever set the fire should be awarded some sort of prize. This ridiculous "heritage" thing is so annoying and gets in the way of many real develpment projects so often. I mean, if it is really a nice building with some archetectural value instead of a pure shack, I can accept it. They are usually not.

I just hope not many simliar shacks on Yonge st between College and Bloor are heritage buildings as well.

Yeah, totally. We should reward the persons responsible for ridding the city of this historical nuisance. Like, c'mon, it was around for over 120 years. Isn't that long enough? I mean, really, who wants all of those old buildings around. They just get in the way of progress and building new condos. That Empress Hotel shack was such an eyesore, and who really cares about the history contained within its walls and its long-serving role as a Toronto landmark.
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Like omigod totally dude -- and forget wasting all that gravy on Nathan Phillips Square, just arson it already and build a supertall.
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Like omigod totally dude -- and forget wasting all that gravy on Nathan Phillips Square, just arson it already and build a supertall.

It needs to be at least a 1000 footer because Toronto isn't going to become a *~world class~* city without one duh.
Doesn't matter. Whoever set the fire should be awarded some sort of prize.

Well, given that you're prone to statements like that, if your dating skills equaled your comprehension of today's heritage norms, whoever applies a knife to your genitals should be awarded some sort of prize.
I really have to disagree.
Do you? Look, this has nothing to do with anyone's opinions of heritage or knowledge of architecture. I think kkg7's postings are ridiculous too. Let's be clear that adma has just advocated castrating someone he disagrees with. That crosses onto the wrong side of the line of basic human decency. That should be immediately apparent to normal people. If it isn't to you, then no amount of explanation will make it clear to you. So, that's all I will say about it. Good night.
Doesn't matter. Whoever set the fire should be awarded some sort of prize. This ridiculous "heritage" thing is so annoying and gets in the way of many real develpment projects so often. I mean, if it is really a nice building with some archetectural value instead of a pure shack, I can accept it. They are usually not.

I just hope not many simliar shacks on Yonge st between College and Bloor are heritage buildings as well.

Is this another one of those sarcastic, waste of space/waste of 30 seconds of our life posts? Btw, archetectural is spelled architectural, develpment is development and simliar is similar. Your welcome.
