Toronto Royal Ontario Museum | ?m | ?s | Daniel Libeskind

^ nothing in this city is lit up. It irks me. Americans really kick our behind when it comes to showcasing their buildings.
Actually, that's surprising that they don't light it up. There are a lot of things lighted up around the city, though perhaps not every night unfortunately. The CN Tower is nicely done, the Skydome, City Hall, and OCAD's table top all have systems in place. I'm not a big fan of the orange light that bathes historic buildings like University College or Union Station.
Actually, that's surprising that they don't light it up. There are a lot of things lighted up around the city, though perhaps not every night unfortunately. The CN Tower is nicely done, the Skydome, City Hall, and OCAD's table top all have systems in place. I'm not a big fan of the orange light that bathes historic buildings like University College or Union Station.

I think only Rogers Centre's doing a great job to lit up the dome. The rest, either not enough of lights or dark. OCAD was nice, but lately, the light seems to have faded...
So how come the Crystal is not lit up at night? Walking at night, it's quit dark there......

THat's not true....look! Taken tonight...the ROM basking in a beautiful yet ominous blue-white glow courtesy of lights on the Hyatt.

Looks like the rooftop portion of the ROM is well lit in that picture... but, how about the rest of the crystal?
please see my post #1289...they have only just started lighting it up...Venti, I think you should have another look...:confused:
please see my post #1289...they have only just started lighting it up...Venti, I think you should have another look...:confused:

Well, I was walking by about 2 weeks ago...and there were some lights, but not as bright and out-there as Rogers Centre.

NPS used to have lights too, but now...just very dimmed light which really, what's the point?

I don't understand why the city doesn't light up...

Old City Halls
University Ave
Casa Roma
Queens Park (the building)
AGO (I don't expect the new one will)

Rome and Paris lite up at night, and quite amazing.
If Toronto truly wants to be one of the greenest cities in North America, lighting up all of our buildings at night would certainly be counterproductive. I'll agree, though, that the city would look a lot more beautiful a night with better lighting.
Venti -
I think that the AGO will be quite lit up once it is done. With the Galleria Italia being completely glass on the street side, I dont see why this building wont glow. If they keep the lights on in the gallery, the entire front of the building will remain lit. The titanium box on top though, is another question.
Well, I was walking by about 2 weeks ago...and there were some lights, but not as bright and out-there as Rogers Centre.

NPS used to have lights too, but now...just very dimmed light which really, what's the point?

I don't understand why the city doesn't light up...

Old City Halls
University Ave
Casa Roma
Queens Park (the building)
AGO (I don't expect the new one will)

Rome and Paris lite up at night, and quite amazing.
Gooderham and the old Knox College should be added to that list.
To anyone doubting the ROM's night time capabilities: just have a look at the opposite building; it has more light rigging than Ivor Wynne Stadium. At night, the Rom looks amazing bathed in the eerie white glow of those lamps.
If Toronto truly wants to be one of the greenest cities in North America, lighting up all of our buildings at night would certainly be counterproductive. I'll agree, though, that the city would look a lot more beautiful a night with better lighting.

Only IF Toronto wants to go green. You can only choose one, and sadly Toronto is neither bright nor green.
