Collingwood Residences at Silvercreek | 13.35m | 4s | SkyDev | srm Architects

This has been a fun one to watch Just arrives on site and gets dropped into place like a Lego set they have already started walls on what would be the ground floor with the parkade complete on the second condo and footings being finished off for the 3rd but still no movement on the townhomes

Going to have to get updated pictures of this tomorrow first building is at its final story and I believe they will be building the other two at the same time as the third building is nearly finished its footings and ready to have the parkade walls installed and the second building already has the parkade also both buildings combined are about the same size as the 1st

Isn't visible but the footings for building one are near completion with rebar exposed to start setting walls

Building 2 second floor walls are nearly completed with core slab work most likely starting Tuesday

Building 3 exterior is complete with work underway building out the suites
excuse the crappy window pictures work began this morning on the walls of the first building and it will always mess with me that they started these buildings opposite of their numbers The building three was the first one to go up two was the second and one was the last
