Toronto Regent Park Central Park & Aquatic Centre | ?m | ?s | TCHC | MJMA

All depends on the green roof system you are using (extensive, semi-intensive or intensive) - looks like an extensive system there

That's a great graphic @ChesterCopperpot. You're right - sure looks like an extensive system. Leading up to the sod placement, they unrolled sheets on top of the layer of stone. Didn't seem to be much else to it. Hopefully it retains sufficient moisture to maintain the greenery.
The typical layers in a green roof system

In this case though, the layers seem to be pre-vegetated mat, root barrier?, stones. (Then, I assume, a drain mat and waterproofing material).

I usually like red brick too. I think it's the combination of red brick with very small windows of mediocre quality. It almost reminds me of the old Regent Park buildings its replacing.
They should've made that part black. It looks like there's a lack of windows in those units. I'd bet the towers by Victoria Park and Danforth get more light in the units than this..
The podium design broke me long ago. It doesn't fit. The white spandrel glass doesn't help either. I do want to see more of the rust coloured brick elesewhere.
