Toronto Queens Quay & Water's Edge Revitalization | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

Yep! But this isn't just a Queens Quay thing. I've seen them hop the curb on many streets. They would even do it back when they used pickup trucks with trailers.

It may be their actual operating procedure. (Kind of like how Parks & Rec can drive on sidewalks and through parks to do their jobs)
So its silly and unnecessary for a larger, heavier and faster mode of transit to be polite to another form of transit that is at risk? Reminds me of what bikes complain about cars. This is the problem with bike culture in Toronto. Do as I say not as I do!

There should be rumble strips, etc to slow down the bike traffic by this sign. And police these rules...fine them and if they don't have ID or money confiscate the bike until they pay the fine.
I'm all for encouraging people to slow down in tighter, more shared spaces…but dismounting is silly. Often recreational bikers (myself included) have shoes with cleats that make walking more than a bit annoying. Happy to slow down and cooperate with my fellow users. Not happy to dismount.
No parking on the bicycle path, or else.

Nothing in the rules about boats!
So its silly and unnecessary for a larger, heavier and faster mode of transit to be polite to another form of transit that is at risk? Reminds me of what bikes complain about cars. This is the problem with bike culture in Toronto. Do as I say not as I do!

There should be rumble strips, etc to slow down the bike traffic by this sign. And police these rules...fine them and if they don't have ID or money confiscate the bike until they pay the fine.
You can be polite without dismounting from your bike. From the many times I have been there, people do slow down because it's a pinch point; I'm sure not 100
% of people slow down, but the majority appear to. Dismounting in that location is silly. They could simply paint lines where the bikes go and where people go -- there is enough room, even though it's not as wide as the rest of QQ. Lines don't stop people from crossing but they at least provide a visual cue which is currently absent.
Here are some of the changes that were made. Problem solved?

"Stop here on red"

"Waterfront recreational trail, max 20 km/h, no e-bikes"

"Transit signal"

Larger "cyclists dismount"

Non-signalized driveways

Bike stencils

"Slow for pedestrians"

"New" (i.e new signal that was not previously here)

"Do not enter"

"Problem solved"? Absolutely not. Not even close. These have barely made any difference:

Stop here on red (typo fixed, thanks): cyclists don't seem to be interested in doing so. As with before these were painted, I stop my bike at reds only to see one or two dozen other cyclists blow by me.

Max 20 km/h: nope.

No e-bikes: hahahaha. I wish. Still a regular occurrence--I see several scooter-style e-bikes a day.

Cyclists dismount: nope.

Non-signalized driveway: even at the signalized ones drivers almost hit pedestrians, cyclists, streetcars, and other cars.

Bike stencils: these have always been present, and have not been causing pedestrians to stay out of the path. I understand it's a mixed-use trail, but jogging or even walking is different from looking down at your phone or up at the sky either standing around or wandering about in a random circle.

Slow for pedestrians: nope.

New (starbust) sign by left/right turn signals: drivers are still routinely disobeying signals, dangerously.

Do not enter: seems to have made almost zero difference. Spadina is still terrible, every other intersection maybe slightly improved but still tons of cars on the ROW every day.

Problem solved...that's a good one.
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Shop here on red: cyclists don't seem to be interested in doing so. As with before these were painted, I stop my bike at reds only to see one or two dozen other cyclists blow by me.

That's like today I was almost run over by a cyclist well I was crossing at at crosswalk. The cars had stopped for me and I was almost on the other side when someone on a bike almost hit me because they didn't stop for the lights at the crosswalk.crosswalk. Also well I'm on that don they still teach poel to point when they cross at one because I haven't seen anyone do that recently even though the sign say to do so?
Shop here on red: cyclists don't seem to be interested in doing so. As with before these were painted, I stop my bike at reds only to see one or two dozen other cyclists blow by me.

Well, to be fair... I wouldn't want to shop at every red light either. Sounds exhausting and expensive!
One of my friends had a head on collision with another cyclist on this trail and is in bad shape. This place is a death trap. Cyclist and pedestrians will act a certain way. It is up to urban designers to create an environment that is efficient and safe. This whole revitalization was basically a resume booster for people with zero common sense and huge egos.
Got a chance to ride the trail myself early this Sunday morning. Already getting pretty busy, thought I'd test it on a weekend to see how it all worked.

Here was my route:

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I left from my basement in Regent Park on my trusty old Norco 14-speed. I rode south on Parliament down to the path.

I have to say overall it was a lot of FUN. I know people have been complaining this way and that for a while but I just thought it was fun. It was fun to be totally removed from cars and to be basically cycling down smooth slick asphalt instead of bumpy dangerous roads. On the way out I caught almost all the green lights and just flew. On the way back I got every single red and it was a bit of a pain, but still way better than being on the road. To all those cyclists complaining about pedestrians I ask you this, would you rather be complaining about cars?

I'm happy to see the ruling class of this city finally build something for the working class of the city! I used to ride along across to the slaughterhouse where I worked before it closed for years and I have to say this is a much more pleasant experience. Down with cars! Up with bikes! Be nice to pedestrians!

I give the path a thumbs up! My only regret is that Jack is no longer with us to ride this path today. He's always had our back.


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