Developer: Pinnacle International
Address: 1 Yonge St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Hotel, Affordable Rental, Condo), Commercial (Office, Retail), Institutional (Community Centre), Public Space / Park
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 1
Height: 1,154 ft / 351.85 mStoreys: 106 storeys
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Toronto Pinnacle One Yonge | 351.85m | 106s | Pinnacle | Hariri Pontarini

Well, I did not expect them to go for another floor before they announced it, but the increase in floor-to-ceiling heights from 2.95m to 3.25m is one thing I paid attention to, reflecting this tower's nature as a high-end condo tower. It may also have been why before yesterday, other sources listed Sky Tower as being 346.7m, as opposed to the 345.5m stated on this site.

Here are a few photos I took yesterday afternoon of Pinnacle One Yonge, starting from outside Union Station:


20250321_134122 copy.jpg




18 Duncan? I couldn't seem to find a building at 18 Duncan. Unless you're talking about 19 Duncan, and if you are, it's very hard to find a flaw in that building.
They are referring to the giant mechanical box on the roof of that building, if you ask me it’s pretty ugly so I see how it’s a flaw
Okay,'s a pretty minor flaw. I never even noticed it and outside of that mechanical box, most people will tell you that has to be one of the nicest buildings in the city.

Don’t get me wrong, I love 19 Duncan too, it’s just a quibble I have considering this is my view every morning


With Sky Tower that mechanical box will be visible for anyone looking at height and in every skyline shot. It doesn’t help that the shape of the tower is very suggestive… even more so with the middle poking out.

Not extending the glass crown to hide the top reminds me of older buildings that have had their cornices removed, just looks incomplete.
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...not sure why they can't shape it to the rest of the building if they're going to leave it exposed.
