Toronto Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning | ?m | 21s | Sick Kids | Diamond Schmitt

August 21st:



in that 2nd last pic, I wish the curved section extended all the way up (or close to) the top of the building. Because the way it cuts off like that sorta ruins the symmetry

but nonetheless. what i find most impressive is how imposing and massive this building looks from street level.
No pics, but the zinc on the southside of the building looks like cheap corrugated steel a la the George Brown Building.

Here, though, it is used vertically which provides a nice contrast against the strong horizontal lines of the fritted glass.
I think the corrugated layer is an underlayer. There's some grey panelling on the north side, I think that's the zinc
I spent most of this summer hospitalized in Mount Sinai Hospital (Colitis and colon Ca), with a terrific 14th floor view, the new Sick Kids actually blends in very nicely with its neighbors. The exterior cladding looks nice, but during sunset, when he sun hits it just before setting, the windows almost glow, very nice effect.
hey guys, im new to UT and i noticed that the sick kids research tower has its own thread. thats awesome how you guys are looking forward and supporting this very important building to Toronto's skyline. im actually a construction worker on the site installing the fire protection like fire sprinklers and fire hoses... any questions and ill be more than happy to answer them :)
hey guys, im new to UT and i noticed that the sick kids research tower has its own thread. thats awesome how you guys are looking forward and supporting this very important building to Toronto's skyline. im actually a construction worker on the site installing the fire protection like fire sprinklers and fire hoses... any questions and ill be more than happy to answer them :)

Thanks for joining! Does a research building like this have any different fire-related protections than new office buildings or condos? Or is the code similar?
Welcome to the forum 5upraguy - we might just take you up on your offer! Do you know if the building is getting glass pipes/plumbing for the labs?

Welcome to the forum 5upraguy - we might just take you up on your offer! Do you know if the building is getting glass pipes/plumbing for the labs?

yes i did notice the glass lab pipe even though i am not a plumber. but for some reason it is random like the installed it for the 4-6 floors and one random floor like 13 or 14 and everywhere else they used the new blue plastic pipe where the coulpings have wires sticking out of them so you can hook up a device to see if the joint was fully sealed. high tech if u ask me

Thanks for joining! Does a research building like this have any different fire-related protections than new office buildings or condos? Or is the code similar?

NFPA13 addresses residential and comercial as two different hazards. residential being the least hazardous, and office space is the next category up. lab research facilities are more hazardous due to chemicals and substances stored in the building. but the engineer wanted every zone on each floor to be treated to their specific hazard category because this building has everything from animals, office space, dangerous chemicals, robotics.... it goes on. so what we did was we used different fire protection systems according to the zones for the floor plans. like P3 is where they store tanks of diesel for the generators and since it is very flammable we used a water-foam concentrate system to protect that zone. and where they use very expensive robotics, a double preaction system was installed insuring that there is not one drop of water released from the pipes until there are two signs of fire present.

so a lot of planning and research it self have been put into building this tower using state of the art equipment and mechanical to feed it.
