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Toronto Pending: Unbuilt TO projects


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The ghosts of what might have been
OCAD student David Kopulos wrote his thesis on thwarted Toronto visions from the '60s and '70s.

Show will highlight megaprojects that never got off the ground, like a planned 140-storey Eaton tower
May 06, 2007 04:30 AM
Murray Whyte
Toronto Star

The Church of the Holy Trinity, established in 1847, is surrounded. The Eaton Centre shoulders up against it to the east, casting it in cool shadow, a towering Marriot looms high above it to the north and west; and from Bay Street, Bell Canada's squat headquarters curls toward it from the west and south.

Given Toronto's historical approach to city-building, the mildly predatory scenario is apt – drab modern structures stalking the city's past and hunting it to near-extinction

It could be worse. "In the '60s, the church, as well as the Old City Hall, were very close to being demolished," says David Kopulos, seated on a slab of concrete that serves as both bench and boundary for the small slip of green space cradled in the crook of the Bell building, across from Holy Trinity.

"It was very typical of the era, actually. A lot of side streets, and everything on them, were destroyed. It was all about trying to impose a new order on the city."

He would certainly know. Kopulos, a newly minted, 23-year-old Ontario College of Art and Design graduate, is deeply invested in what could have been.

For his final thesis project – which will be part of the OCAD grad show, opening on Friday – he dug deep into Toronto's near past and found a surfeit of the never-was. Dusting off big-idea projects never realized, Kopulos extracted portions – silhouettes, renderings, architectural plans – and incorporated them in a series of ghostly oblique paintings.

He then took his research and built it into a website, Toronto Pending, that offers a chilling view of the city we might have had.

The Eaton Centre, for one, was intended to swallow every inch of the city bound by Dundas, Yonge, Bay and Queen. The Church of the Holy Trinity, as well as Old City Hall, would have been so much rubble, save the clock tower, which would have been preserved — a monolithic tombstone, perhaps, for a slice of city history deemed no longer necessary.

Toronto, of course, still has need for such a memorial. The city has lost no small number of heritage buildings over the years. Lost Toronto, the 1976 book by the late William Dendy, a University of Waterloo architecture professor, is a loving catalogue, complete with archival photos and drawings, of more than 150 structures razed in the name of progress. The City of Toronto itself lists more than 250 destroyed portions of its past worthy of recognition in its report A Glimpse of Toronto's History: Opportunities for the Commemoration of Lost Historic Sites.

Toronto Pending serves as an unintentional companion piece, adding to the register of ghost structures a collection of the stillborn.

It includes: a 140-storey tower proposed by the Eaton Company in 1971 for the corner of Yonge and College Sts.; the Scarborough Expressway, a 1967 plan that would have razed 1,200 houses in the Beach to connect the eastern suburbs to downtown; Harbour City, a 1970 proposal to build a network of low-rise concrete apartment buildings linked by canals on the current site of the island airport.

Some proposed to do no less than wipe the urban slate clean. In 1968, Buckminster Fuller's massive waterfront redevelopment plan imagined a series of man-made islands filling the harbour with apartment buildings.

Dubbed "Project Toronto," the U.S. design visionary's scheme would have been linked to the mainland by walkways that led to a massive pyramid brimming with more housing, and an expansive "galleria" filled with shops, apartments and a monorail that ran along University Avenue right to the water's edge.

As its name suggests, the plan was a comprehensive re-do: "Had this plan been seen through," Kopulos notes in his thesis, "scarcely any part of Toronto's present downtown would remain today."

How close did we come? Decades later, it's hard to tell. But the timing of the various mega-projects suggest closer than we might like to think.Through the '60s and '70s, the popular rhetoric of urban planning was very much out with the old, in with the new. The tenets of Modernism, hatched decades before by thinkers such as the architect Le Corbusier, envisioned a new kind of urbanism.

"Modern town planning comes to birth with a new architecture," he wrote in Urbanisme, his theory of the future of cities. "By this immense step in evolution, so brutal and so overwhelming, we burn our bridges and break with the past."

By the '60s and '70s, his theories had taken hold in the mainstream of urban planning. Crumbling 19th-century, human-scale inner cities, with their narrow, crowded streets and bustling public squares, were to be replaced, and all was to be big – buildings and public spaces alike. Even bigger, in theory, were the urban highways meant to connect disparate zones separated by function: living, working, leisure.

Le Corbusier had the best intentions. His vision was of a utopia: urban living rendered efficient and democratic by a new brand of architecture and planning. Instead, it was rigid and authoritarian, and wherever it was attempted – in Brasilia, for one, or in Chandigarh, by Le Corbusier itself – it was an alienating failure. (Consider the much-fretted-over Gardiner Expressway and the waterfront, and you have a homegrown example of Modernist idealism gone awry).

It was hardly by accident that Dendy's book, at once aggressively nostalgic and damning of progress for its own sake, was published in the wake of this era of grand visions. And where Dendy mourned what was, Kopulos offers an opportunity to breathe a sigh of relief at what wasn't: the virtual ruins of an all-too-Modern Toronto.

"People seemed to think the city could be completely re-imagined," he says. "A lot of the identity of the city now has to do with the different neighbourhoods. Those may not have existed anymore. Where would we have been, 30 years later, if we had had a huge pyramid on the waterfront? What would be on our postcards, and what would be our identity now?"

Despite their earnest optimism, history has judged Modernist ideals harshly. But here, in the shadow of the mall, where the church sits safely hidden, the final words of Toronto Pending offer some kindness: "Unsullied by the judgment of reality, these pending projects will remain forever in the realm of utopia."

It is indeed a great website. I'd love to see more detail on some of them. It would be good if he were to post his sources, since I've read big reports on some of them, but have never found ones for the Buckminster Fuller scheme.
Doesn't John Sewell cover all of this ground in his book? I know that the models for the Eaton Centre that showed only the clock tower of Old City Hall and the groovy multi-parabola Trinity Church were published in Toronto Life some years ago.
We are continually spawning what the future will see as "thwarted visions". Grand schemes to solve all our problems - a big waterfront promenade here ( though a fine waterfront promenade has been under construction for a couple of years ), an iconic building that must go there ( even though nobody is hunting for an iconic structure to house themselves in ), the eagerly awaited annual Big Aquarium To Rejuvenate The Waterfront announcement, the next Metronome/Hummingbird Arts Thing/Humanitas cultural whatsit in search of funding. Big gestures to solve all our problems ...
Wylie and all: Being from the NYC area as I am, I have seen some of what was saved and what was lost in the NYC area myself. Losing the 1910-built Penn Station in the mid 60s spearheaded a preservation movement-that has spread to other cities-Toronto included. Could anyone imagine today losing classics like Old City Hall or even trying to construct an expressway in the E end Beaches area today? I recall myself that places like Union Station at one point was in danger of demolition. In the 60s and 70s people came to their senses and realized that new was not always better-a major attitude change from tha post WWII era into the 50s when anything new was almost always considered better. I cannot help but wonder also if Ontario had a Robert Moses-type official that would have rammed expressways down Toronto's throat at all cost. Now we realize that old Joni Mitchell tune that mentions that you don't realize what you had until it is gone is definitely correct! Observations and thoughts from LI MIKE
LI Mike,
Although not to quite the same degree as Moses, Toronto did indeed have a homegrown expressway-monger - Frederick Gardiner - although to be fair, he was also a major proponent of subway expansion, and supervised the construction of both our major lines.

He was the first chairman of Metropolitan Toronto council, the governing body for the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, from 1953 to 1961 (the Gardiner Expressway is named after him). Indeed, Gardiner was one of the major movers and shakers behind the formation of this body - a regional service provider/coordinator for the 13 constituent municipalities. Amongst these servoces were water, sewage, policing, licensing, highways, education, rapid transit system, planning, and many others.

Some projects conducted or initiated under his watch:
The Don Valley Parkway, the Gardiner Expressway, planning, design, and property aquisition for the (stilborn) Spadina Expressway, the Yonge and the Bloor-Danforth subway lines.
William Allen, who succeeded Gardiner as Metro chairman until he retired in 1969, was cut from the same pro-development cloth - though by then the public appetite for their approach was waning. The truncated Spadina Expressway was renamed for him as the William R. Allen Road. The election of a reform council under David Crombie in 1972 put the brakes to the "world class" madness that sought to rebuild Toronto in New York's image.
Education was always separate, run by school boards, not the cities. Until 1998, Toronto was unique as each of the six cities or boroughs had their own Public board, while elsewhere they were at the county or multi-county level. There was a Metro-wide Catholic board.
Grand schemes to solve all our problems

I think Shocker has offered words of wisdom. The really big projects, even having come to fruition, don't always bring the benefits touted. There certainly have been some which have brought benefits, but I think the city rises or falls on the more mundane projects which impact the quality of life neighbourhood by neighbourhood. A few small public squares with a water fountain or a small statue in each, along with a few healthy trees, do as much as some of our "iconic" buildings, and that's without even discussing expressways, huge projects a la Downsview Park which seem to take a long time to actually materialize, etc. etc. And heritage buildings ... (already discussed at some length elsewhere this week).
It's interesting to see what unbuilts would have benefited Toronto, like the boulevards (Vimy Blvd? Federal Blvd. (sp?)).
Those grand boulevards would likely have been big successes had the accompanying uniformly-scaled classical buildings been built along them. If they were simply big wide streets, they probably would have done more to hurt the urban fabric than they would have benefitted the city from creating ceremonial spaces.
