Senior Member
I disagree that it's not a priority however. The airport area is one of the GTA's most job-intensive areas, and it's horrendously traffic-congested. Better transit has a big potential contribution here. As for air travellers, linkages that would reduce automobile traffic to the airport also have high priority. I'm not embarassed to be thinking about how to best utilise the lines that will be build anyways - ECLRT, RER, Finch LRT - but I agree that we should not be dreaming up new, additional, money-needing routings or infrastructure. Much of what is being dreamed of can be achieved with bus shuttles - not nearly as sexy, but an order of magnitude cheaper.
- Paul
When you say the airport area has lots of jobs, that area is quite different from serving the airport itself though. South of the airport, around Eglinton from Dixie to Renforth.