Mississauga Park 570 Condos | ?m | 4s | VANDYK | Romanov Romanov

I'm liking the exterior lights:


I would assume the railings would go up on the south units pretty soon...maybe as soon as the siding is done (just a bit more vinyl to do). I'll keep checking every few days and get pictures as soon as they're up. If anyone sees the railings up when driving across the Dundas bridge, let me know :D

The top 3 floors in the south section all appear to by drywalled, and are being taped/mudded now. I've seen guys working past 10pm too....so good news for us :)
Even this won't look good in the dark:



Not sure what look they're going for - maybe they ran out of stucco? They somehow managed to use every shade of brown, and have none of them match. Looks horrible!

The AC stacks also got worse, with huge amounts of white caulking:


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Not sure why they put that siding in, too many different colours going on now. The caulking looks horrible. Looks like some quick fix job.
I would assume the railings would go up on the south units pretty soon...maybe as soon as the siding is done (just a bit more vinyl to do). I'll keep checking every few days and get pictures as soon as they're up. If anyone sees the railings up when driving across the Dundas bridge, let me know :D

The top 3 floors in the south section all appear to by drywalled, and are being taped/mudded now. I've seen guys working past 10pm too....so good news for us :)

It looks like the balcony rails are up on the south side of the building! :D
Does anyone else think the design is very Alberta? It reminds me of a lot of similar buildings built out west in terms of scale, the use of wood at the corner balconies and the stone detailing. Am I crazy?
Does anyone else think the design is very Alberta? It reminds me of a lot of similar buildings built out west in terms of scale, the use of wood at the corner balconies and the stone detailing. Am I crazy?

Now that you mention it, it does kind of remind me of a lot of the apartment blocks in Fort McMurray.
