Toronto Ontario Line 3 | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

Interesting site idea for the Yard. It really does seem to be the only place the Yard can be built since the Celestica site was sold off for Private development. I do wonder if they are implying that the station at Eglinton & Don Mills will be elevated. That would be an incredibly inconvenient transfer. I would assume Throncliff Park and Flemingdon would be elevated while the line dives underground again for Science Centre Station.
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Interesting site idea for the Yard. It really does seem to be the only place the Yard can be built since the Celestica site was sold off for Private development. I do wonder if they are implying that the station at Eglinton & Don Mills will be elevated. That would be an incredibly inconvenient transfer. I would assume Throncliff Park and Flemingdon would be elevated while the line dives underground again for Science Centre Station.

I have doubts they'll go for the Celestica site as it's better used for intensification- they could just create a spur that leads off to whatever site they can assemble in Leaside.

It definitely is interesting how long the elevated guideway could be- makes me wonder how a Thorncliffe Park station is going to situated as the geography is quite tricky.
On questioning, the Province also reiterated its position that it will finance the entire project if the Feds don't increase the amount of funding it has already dedicated to Toronto/Ontario transit projects, which remains a somewhat bizarre strategy for negotiations.
It's just bizarre, viewed from any and all angles. And somehow the napkin boys demand to be taken seriously.

Province says it wants federal money for the Ontario Line. Ottawa says it needs more answers

Btw: I tried watching the YouTube vid of that announcement. I could take only the first five minutes....Yurek is a Pharmacist? Really? And he demands a vile without explaining what it's for. He's more like a drug addict.

Post Script: Just attempted to watch it again. I'm overwhelmed by how much this reminds me of Second City back in their heyday, Johnny La Rue never looked so good, but at least the shtick was funny back then, hilarious in fact.

The napkin boys copied it thinking it was a teaching vid.
Mandatory online courses in Ontario high ... - Hamilton Spectator

Quick! Blame the Feds!
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That press announcement makes it seem as if the entire genesis of the Ontario Line project was to make political hay with the Trudeau government and the City.

I’m not even against the project concept but that’s potentially a lot of dollars to throw around for juvenile political gamesmanship.
That press announcement makes it seem as if the entire genesis of the Ontario Line project was to make political hay with the Trudeau government and the City.

I’m not even against the project concept but that’s potentially a lot of dollars to throw around for juvenile political gamesmanship.
I have a confession, I made myself watch it. Wow...just wow. It's one thing to see idiots at work, it's another to watch ones who keep showing you how idiotic they are, as if you didn't realize the first time they opened their mouth(s).

I do see an up-side to this! This 'media event' gave the Feds every excuse they need or want to say: "Hey, here's the money, no conditions attached, and it's going through the InfraBank."

Good luck! And with that comes *share equity* in investment. The OntCons stumble? "We take it all. See you in court if you don't like it". And Ontario voters will *flock* to vote Lib, federally and provincially.

Ont-Cons wanna play "Twist the Constitution"? The Feds will play for keeps, without even having to use the Amending Formula...and the cherry on the cake? Declare the investments through the InfraBank "For the general advantage of Canada".

Let the QP quislings snivel over that...

The "Declaratory Power" in the Canadian Constitution - Studies on the ...
Just as I thought, an elevated section through Throncliffe Park and a yard there is very reasonable to cut cost.
but what was said that leads to constitutional discussion?
It's a very fair question, and I think events will unfold over the course to the next federal election...and as critical I've been on the Libs with the SNC-Lavalin affair, very badly handled, and polls concur, someone in the PM's office just might have laid a brilliant trap that the OntCons are falling into completely on cue.

Instead of the "Who Does What?" question that permeated the Constitutional debate some years back, it's now down to the "Who Pays for What?" question.

The OntCons came to the polka table claiming they had some "$28B?" for Ontario Transit, complete with incessant bragging as per "We'll build it all ourselves if we have to" "the largest amount for Transit in Canada ever" "Torontonians are tired of late subways" etc, etc.

The Fed-Libs have been riding the Ont-Cons on a number of matters for the last year, from Civic governance and funding, to transit and funding, to Health and name it. And the Libs have the paper trail to present to make their case. The Ont-Cons have virtually nothing, if that. And they've been called on it at the polka table.

Now the Ont-Cons are demanding the "Feds pay their share"...and no-one's buying it, pun unavoidable. I'm glad I forced myself to on the third attempt to watch the vid. The press went ballistic on Yurek and McNaughton. It's an insult to think that everyone is as stupid and gullible as they are, and they got called on it...big time. It's worth watching, still up on Youtube. Just click the link a page or so back.

So let's flip this over: If you were the Feds, how could you let an opportunity like this go by without making hay out of it? It's like a drunken punk swinging at you, all it takes is taking their swing, and 'assisting' them to follow through to hit the wall, or the floor.

The Feds have the funding in escrow, and made clear that it's there for the taking if a business case is made. And the Cons can't even get their story straight on that. "Have business case end of June" stating that the Feds haven't come through with the money. Implication being that the Feds should just supply cash on their say-so.

I and most others wouldn't even buy a used Valium from Yurek, let alone his little sidekick, Unkempt Kid.

So the Feds have an excellent opportunity to say (behind the scenes) "Fff them. Put the funds into the InfraBank and present a business case there that QP can then match if they actually do have the cash. The Feds then aren't caught in endless argument with petulant little wannabes, the Feds are seen as funding transit, and with the powers of the Parliament of Canada to push it through regulatory hurdles, and be done with a provincial regime that can't abide with what it preaches.

In effect, the *balance* of the Constitution is altered without having to actually alter the legislation. "For the Advantage of Canada" is already existent in the Constitution for the Feds to snatch this away from the idiot Ont-Cons. And the Section 92 can be instituted by the InfraBank and ratified by Parliament. It might be possible to assign Section 92 just by Order in Council, I'll check later.

Morally wrong? Tell that to Toronto City Council, and the Mayors of Ontario. The Ont-Cons have brought this on themselves, and it's time for the Infra-Bank to become *really useful*.

To understand the importance in Constitutional Law for "The General Advantage of Canada":
Section 92(10) powers are an extremely important and often used part of the Canadian Constitution. In the first five decades of Canadian history, the declaratory power was invoked more than 400 times, mostly to ensure that Canada's burgeoning railway system grew to national advantage. By the First World War, virtually every inch of rail track in Canada was under federal jurisdiction. More recently, the declaratory power was used to make Canada's nuclear industry a federal matter.

And take very close note of the author of this piece:
Tom Flanagan is professor of political science at the University of Calgary and a campaign manager for conservative parties.
Yup, the very one and same Harper right hand man.

Section 92(10) of the Constitution Act, 1867 - Wikipedia,_1867
Declaratory power under section 92(10)(c) In general terms, works declared by the Parliament of Canada to be "for the general Advantage of Canada" or "for the Advantage of Two or more of the Provinces" tend to be part of the national infrastructure.

And there's a massive 'advantage' that one of our friends would dearly love about this: VIA Rail. It would be Nationally owned tracks for them to run on once again.

Think of the possibilities. With *our* money.

Edit to Add: Large part of the story here:
Ottawa rejects Ontario’s demands for federal transit-line funding, citing lack of information
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^ Since the City staff report mentions the Province is looking at the OL being elevated through Throncliffe Park, safe to assume they are eyeing the centre median for the support piers? (see arrows I've added in red)

^ Since the City staff report mentions the Province is looking at the OL being elevated through Throncliffe Park, safe to assume they are eyeing the centre median for the support piers? (see arrows I've added in red)

View attachment 189043
I did draw up an alternative aliment a couple month ago. It would be less disrupted to build the alignment further away from Overlea Blvd and closer to the residence of the area but it might be noisier. If a rubber tire technology is chosen, noise will be less of an issue.

Interesting routing but why not just give the two 81 branches separate route numbers? 81B retrains the current 81 designation and the 81A be called 181. They could also serve stops in oppose sides of the road. Then again why not just terminate the 25 here and the 925 won't go south of Eglinton. The 8 is going to be a busier route again to make up for the lost service on Broadview.

There is two questionable sections on Line 3 in this proposed map. (I'm not criticizing your map, just want to discuss about the alignment) The Millwood overpass cannot handle anymore weight so the alignment would have to be carried on a new crossing. I would place it to the west of the Millwood bridge. The second Don Valley crossing (over the west branch of Don River would likely be elevated to avoid the expensive cost of dropping 20m into the ground It would be expensive to build a launch shaft beside a high rise. I think Flemingdon Park Station should be at the intersection of Don Mills/Overlea Blvd. Spacing would be more balanced this way.
View attachment 182350
I propose the crossing be an elevated crossing matching up with Pape Ave and Overlea Blvd. They would have to but out a few houses to build the TBM launch shaft.

Continuing on with elevated transit, here's a more wild alignment I'll suggest. It's much cheaper to build the entire alignment north of the DVP on an elevated guideway. The line can fit between high rises over parking lots and behind East York Town Centre. The section above Don Mills could be underground but that would lead to an expensive Science Centre Station being built under the crosstown station box. Since, ML didn't even plan for the Relief Line to connect with the Crosstown, they could just elevated the station and use fast high capacity elevators to transfer people between the two lines.
View attachment 182351
^ Since the City staff report mentions the Province is looking at the OL being elevated through Throncliffe Park, safe to assume they are eyeing the centre median for the support piers? (see arrows I've added in red)

View attachment 189043

Or the parking lots could be taken over.
