Senior Member
Forgotten, you can only rant about Queen Street and Smarttrack so much before it becomes white noise and people stop reading your posts, let alone responding. Do you ever post about anything else?
Does it add only one minute to the entire system? I thought it was more. Like, you'd save more than just a minute by getting rid of Summerhill station. Especially in rush hours.
Is there an efficient way to keep the Queen streetcar where the Subway isn't under so that they route down to King and back up when the subway is no longer under? A King transit mall would need more cars and "should" be able to handle more.
It won't. What about Neville Park to Downtown and Downtown to Long Branch?
I didn't mean the entire 501, just the downtown section. The full DRL would have stations at both ends where King and Queen connect, so the "501" would either continue south onto the King transit mall, which can handle more vehicles, or it would operate for just the outer parts and expect people to transfer.
This is what I picture:
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i really like this idea alot i hope to see it implemented. what do you guys think they will do with the track if they remove the streetcar line on queen from roncy to cherry street, is it possible that they reuse it for future streetcar lines like east bayfront if the track is in good condition.
I thought all the talk on this forum was that the Feds would fund 50% of any project that is put forward?So the mayor's office says it expects to get $5 billion for public transit out of the federal budget. That's about 1/3 of the $15.3B worth of projects the city submitted on its priority list for federal funding: Relief Line, SmartTrack, Eglinton East LRT, Waterfront LRT.
The province has not made commitments to fund those projects, and has ruled out paying for SmartTrack and Eglinton East. Mayor Tory: "we're hoping the province comes up with the cash".
The station at Sherbourne-Queen would be next to Schnitzel Queen and dive bars. How many customer trips do those businesses generate? I would be surprised if it amounted to more than a dozen a day. Now consider a station at Sherbourne-King with St. James campus within 200m and the King east office cluster on top of the station. How many customer trips would those generate per day? 1000x more? If you had to choose between clogging 600m of scarce and narrow inner city sidewalks for 12 people a day versus 12,000, it shouldn't be hard. Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Why should 1000x the people have to walk 5-20x the distance and overload city sidewalks just to appease Tory's ego?
But streetcars as used in downtown Toronto really isn't rapid transit - it's bus on rails.
It makes little sense to build stations 1 or 2 km apart in the core as a philosophy - independent of whether there is local demand. If you only want express service from point A (presumably somewhere out in the burbs) to B alone, you'd be better off with the GO model, not subways in the core. Besides I don't think anyone is contemplating a straight up replication of BD stop frequencies (not that frequent stops have prevented anyone from using Line 2 either).
I hope they do.i really like this idea alot i hope to see it implemented. what do you guys think they will do with the track if they remove the streetcar line on queen from roncy to cherry street, is it possible that they reuse it for future streetcar lines like east bayfront if the track is in good condition.