I briefly looked at the report and curiously the term Smart Track wasn't used once that I could see.
They made lots references to GO RER and even enhancing it but not ST. Until they come to terms with the real issue that differentiates GO from ST, meaning the same fares as TTC, then this study is useless.
I also have to say that the policy wonks at Metrolinx are pretty damn insulting to Torontonians and Tory with this plan. Tory was not voted in on, nor doesn't have a mandate, to put money into a DRL. Besides Ford, there was only one real issue in the last campaign.............transit. Tory was very explicit with his ST program and got support from across all regions of the City so he has the mandate to spend funds on that NOT a DRL. He was also very specific that ST would be a TTC fare and GO RER has no such guarantees except vague promises about fare integration which can mean anything from complete TTC fares or a 10 cent reduction.
This study should be filed away and collect dust like all the other DRL studies. Tory has no mandate from the people to put precious transit funds into a DRL but he does have a mandate to put money into ST.
Considering how everyone bitches about politicians never keeping their promises, Tory is right to move forward with ST instead of funds for a DRL He promised ST not a DRL and for those who continually complain about lying politicians, they should support Tory to actually do what he promised.