The TRs have become another great example of "Toronto Exceptionalism", in that some people believe this city is somehow so unique and different we can't possible use the same solutions as other places (City Council perpetuates this constantly though, with their need for time-wasting "Made In Toronto" approaches to even the smallest problem, to be fair). For once we're actually looking at what works in other places and implementing it, which seems like a pretty solid plan.
Also, in addition to the station depths, the DRL station alignments were often incredibly bad. All the subway transfers were somehow even worse than Bloor-Yonge is, especially Queen. Plus the total insanity of putting Queen and Osgoode's platforms both inside the Line 1 U, as if the only place anyone would ever go to on the subway was City Hall. It was like the line was only invented to ferry people from Pape to City Hall and back again, and they didn't consider any other uses for it (the absurd Queen transfer would have been really annoying for anyone trying to go from Line 1, to the DRL, to go work at East Harbour, for example). For the many issues there can be with Metrolinx, they've done a much better job designing a subway that actually works as part of a user-friendly network of transit (at least in terms of transfers anyway) than the DRL would have been.