Toronto Ontario Line 3 | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

This site was purchased by the City to be a Library and Heritage site.

It was not intended for a transit project, it was not purchased with transit money.

It is not owned by Metrolinx (yet).

No one is asking Metrolinx to do anything except leave what is not theirs alone, or work with with the City to accommodate both interests.

Further, your disinterest in Libraries notwithstanding, this is not for a net new branch.

Its to replace an existing branch that's tiny, and under-resourced and overcrowded with a branch several times larger that meets the needs of a community whose population has more than tripled since the original branch was built.

You are needlessly aggressive in your posts and derisive of those who frankly have more knowledge than you; kindly show more restraint.
I am not sure how I am "needlessly aggressive", I am also not sure how anyone can know how much anyone else knows or does not know - its all in the posts. Transit projects in this city constantly do things they shouldn't to appease various groups - Finch having the inbuilt community centre *as part of the project*, Sunnybrook Park on Eglinton, soundwalls here there and everywhere . . .

In respect of the Leslieville section, I remain largely indifferent to the 'Nimby' concerns' and far more worried about the severe constraints on rail corridor capacity.

There is insufficient capacity for all GO trains to serve East Harbour; and VIA is going to be up against it to get room for anything more than hourly service.

I'm also concerned about the O/L capacity overall. I went over this awhile back in the thread; but the assumptions being used do not hold up to scrutiny in my judgement.

Finally, I have to tell you, that many in Toronto's Forestry unit and the TRCA are not happy w/the proposal for the above ground section in Thorncliffe following the Walmsley Brook corridor (Gatineau Corridor) and the valley crossing. They have considerable concerns over ecological damage.

The issue for me is not fundamentally overground/underground; its capacity, rail-corridor (non-Ontario Line) capacity; ecological impact; and adverse impact on riders where some station locations are now sub-optimal.
There is only insufficient capacity if we are far more successful with RER than anyone could reasonably think we will be at this point, four tracks is a lot and can carry far more than our planned service frequencies. If that becomes the case then it's a good problem to have and there are a number of potential solutions.
Oooo I like these Siemens. Almost looks like its TTC themed already

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I'm particularly keen on the lighting here. Nice seating arrangement too.

I do think, if we're allowing {which we are) people to consume beverages on board trains, have some seats w/retractable armrests/cupholders would be nice.......but otherwise, thumbs up.
Oooo I like these Siemens. Almost looks like its TTC themed already

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Unfortunately, Metrolinx will likely go for the grey color in order to "look more like the existing subway trains." The interior is quite nice though. It has a TTC feel to it.

I just hope if we do choose the Alstom trains we change up the front end design a bit since personally I am not really a fan of the Montreal/Sydney desing. Specifically the front end bumper design, but that's just a personal nit pick. Also they're going to make the trains grey and white aren't they?
I agree on not using Montreal's front end but I actually do favour Sydney's front end of the train. It's quite sleek IMO but that's just me.
Unfortunately, Metrolinx will likely go for the grey color in order to "look more like the existing subway trains." The interior is quite nice though. It has a TTC feel to it.

Im not so sure of that. The grey on the LRT's was to try and brand them as subways, but only because they already look a lot like streetcars. They were putting lipstick on a pig so to speak. They did it because they knew people would think they are streetcars. (because well, they pretty much are!)

With a light metro, no one is going to mistake them for streetcars. They have a much more similar look and feel to a heavy rail subway train.

So while they still could go with a grey colour for consistency, theres no sort of branding/marketing reason to do so.
I'm particularly keen on the lighting here. Nice seating arrangement too.

I do think, if we're allowing {which we are) people to consume beverages on board trains, have some seats w/retractable armrests/cupholders would be nice.......but otherwise, thumbs up.
It will have to be those open-bottom cupholders, or else you'll find them soiled with sticky stains from beverage spills or all sort of nastiness after the very first day of use.
Cupholders will also encourage people to leave their empty cups. People are nasty.

The people who would leave their cups in cup holders, now discard them on the floor.

That a small percentage of people don't exhibit common courtesy is not a valid reason to deny a modest amenity to the majority.

That logic would have us deprive everyone of public restrooms because some people don't flush or have indiscriminate aim.

I would prefer we take reasonable action to mitigate problems; and have well paid staff to carry out maintenance.
The people who would leave their cups in cup holders, now discard them on the floor.

That a small percentage of people don't exhibit common courtesy is not a valid reason to deny a modest amenity to the majority.

That logic would have us deprive everyone of public restrooms because some people don't flush or have indiscriminate aim.

I would prefer we take reasonable action to mitigate problems; and have well paid staff to carry out maintenance.
Maybe I'm comparing the behaviour to people in movie theatres. People almost feel entitled to leave garbage strewn about, despite the fact that they will slowly shuffle past a garbage can on their way out. People are deeply strange.
