Toronto One Bloor East | 257.24m | 76s | Great Gulf | Hariri Pontarini

I'm getting worried! Why would they make a video showing a completely different roof? We all know the history of what happens to renderings of attractive roofs, once they are built. (think X Condo) If they just plop a smallish box on top, that will ruin the whole look of the glowing lantern. I seriously hope they don't mess this up, after the two mishaps across the street. (Uptown & Crystal Grey)
I'm getting worried! Why would they make a video showing a completely different roof? We all know the history of what happens to renderings of attractive roofs, once they are built. (think X Condo) If they just plop a smallish box on top, that will ruin the whole look of the glowing lantern. I seriously hope they don't mess this up, after the two mishaps across the street. (Uptown & Crystal Grey)
In addition there is no cladding at all on the whole building. Think of the chaos, furniture blowing onto the streets in high winds, people accidentally falling out of their units, not to mention the costs of heating and AC will be astronomical!
I just watched the video. The final flyby was clearly showing the structural, load-bearing frame, not the outer skin. I am quite sure that if the building is built as it "should" be with the sloping roof element, the mechanical elements would still look just as shown in the video. In other words, I am not concerned at all, and expect that the building will end up looking like the earlier renders.
Check out cool new renderings of construction progress courtesy of Tucker Hi-Rise.

omg, that was the coolest thing EVAR!
man i am so excited to see this thing go up,
Not to mention, this one WILL be interesting, no matter what floor they are pouring.
Every floors is different/wavy!, even from the ground up!

Now THIS, is sweet... an under construction 1 bloor!

*on another note, Crystal Blu was too ugly to be shown next to Uptown.

Well, you UT boys (Ed and Craig) outdid yourselves! That interview was fantastic. I have a better appreciation of the engineering and building process, and the BEEM system looks like a pretty significant innovation. Who knows? If it cuts costs and time with the building of really tall buidlings, we might even have an economic rationale to build a supertall in this city pretty soon.

PS: That video was baller.
You're right. It's easy for us to jump to conclusions, given many crappy mechanical boxes we've seen built.

That's considering a rather terrible mechanical box on a recent Great Gulf tower that is otherwise a sophisticated building (X Condominium). There better not be anything like that with this project at Toronto's vibrant crossroads. We've seen the unique architecture that is to come in the renderings, and one should expect great materials, finishes and architectural lighting at this location from Great Gulf. Anything less won't be acceptable. There are no excuses at a location like this.
It took me a while to realize that SL and Trump, were both on Adelaide, and similarily, One Bloor and Aura are both on Yonge,... that will change those vistas for a long tme, and create a new gateway of sorts, looking north from the cbd Aura and bloor will make for a very impressive pair.
Well, you UT boys (Ed and Craig) outdid yourselves! That interview was fantastic. I have a better appreciation of the engineering and building process, and the BEEM system looks like a pretty significant innovation. Who knows? If it cuts costs and time with the building of really tall buidlings, we might even have an economic rationale to build a supertall in this city pretty soon.

PS: That video was baller.

Well thanks HD, but you've left out Dumitru - it's his name on the article!!
A beehive of activity on site today. Serious hoarding going up along Yonge St. and the 2nd shoring rig is being assembled. I'm guessing the actual start on this site will be early next week.
Oh, oh,oh....can I be the first? Please? Alright, here goes....."This is going so slow."

There, we got that post out of the way.
