Toronto One Bloor East | 257.24m | 76s | Great Gulf | Hariri Pontarini

Indeed. Borrowing from the analogy - since when did serfs got to tell the king where and how they should build their castle and palaces?

What you fail to recognize is that only a subset of society cares about what you care about. I'd say that relatively few people actually only look to how tall the buildings are when judging any particular city or country. Most people are more sophisticated than that, and pay attention to other conditions in those places too, like the state of human rights, whether or not the buildings may have been built through virtual slavery (as in Dubai), etc.

There's far more to care about than simply height for height's sake. There may be a spot or spots for supertalls in this city, but every proposal needs to be scrutinized on its own merits, and there are many tests to determine appropriateness. If a supertall can pass muster in Yorkville, great, but no-one at City Hall is trying, (nor should they be trying), to egg developers on to go taller just to hit some entirely arbitrary height to satisfy some insecure fanboys.


What you fail to recognize is that only a subset of society cares about what you care about. I'd say that relatively few people actually only look to how tall the buildings are when judging any particular city or country. Most people are more sophisticated than that, and pay attention to other conditions in those places too, like the state of human rights, whether or not the buildings may have been built through virtual slavery (as in Dubai), etc.

There's far more to care about than simply height for height's sake. There may be a spot or spots for supertalls in this city, but every proposal needs to be scrutinized on its own merits, and there are many tests to determine appropriateness. If a supertall can pass muster in Yorkville, great, but no-one at City Hall is trying, (nor should they be trying), to egg developers on to go taller just to hit some entirely arbitrary height to satisfy some insecure fanboys.


Shots fired!
What you fail to recognize is that only a subset of society cares about what you care about. I'd say that relatively few people actually only look to how tall the buildings are when judging any particular city or country. Most people are more sophisticated than that, and pay attention to other conditions in those places too, like the state of human rights, whether or not the buildings may have been built through virtual slavery (as in Dubai), etc.

There's far more to care about than simply height for height's sake. There may be a spot or spots for supertalls in this city, but every proposal needs to be scrutinized on its own merits, and there are many tests to determine appropriateness. If a supertall can pass muster in Yorkville, great, but no-one at City Hall is trying, (nor should they be trying), to egg developers on to go taller just to hit some entirely arbitrary height to satisfy some insecure fanboys.


Very well said. Dubai is full of beautiful buildings, but definitely doesn't mean I rate it higher than Toronto. I think a majority of people around the world would choose Toronto over Dubai.
This project is turning out to be a real gem.
It really raises the bar for large scale condo developments.

I hope we get something good out of the one bloor W site. My dream architects for the pretty much inevitable development: Sou Fujimoto or MVRDV.

We need more starchitects building in TO, it will really step up the quality.
This project is turning out to be a real gem.
It really raises the bar for large scale condo developments.

I hope we get something good out of the one bloor W site. My dream architects for the pretty much inevitable development: Sou Fujimoto or MVRDV.

We need more starchitects building in TO, it will really step up the quality.

Yes, MVRDV would be excellent. Richard Meier or Jean Nouvel would be nice too.

Excellent pics Benito.
I guess they are averaging now 3 floors a month or so?

The Canada Day week threw them off their schedule. I think they are putting up about 1 floor per week or so. I should go back over the thread to check. The are now pouring the columns and walls to support the 15th floor.
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With the installation of the concrete pump, it should increase to one floor every four days.

