Toronto One Bedford | ?m | 32s | Lanterra | KPMB

I use an application called Calico that uses algorithms developed at UBC to merge photos. It's Mac shareware, although I'm not sure if it's still available. There are professional pay-for-it applications out there: do some Googling!


PS - tkip - the reason 1 Bedford looks stubby in my photos is that I am using my zoom lens at its widest angle, and that plus the acute angle of the shots brings the height down more than than the sides, making it look more squashed. If only I had a helicopter to take all these shots with, we'd have less warped images to view!
Actually I wasn't suggesting 1 Bedford was looking stubby (did I use that word previously?) due to the pics. I just think the building looks somewhat bulky and bland in person as I walk by. I'm just not liking this building at all...
And the top of One Bedford from Charles Street West

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Really liking how this one meets the street (i.e. Bloor St.), hopefully the commercial signage will be nicely done as well.....

Gets my vote for the best KPMB podium...

Thanks for the pics 42!

Yeah, the podium turned out quite nice. The tower itself it kinda ordinary, but to me it's the impact on the street that's the most important thing.
3 July 2010:


I think it'll be rather windswept feeling in the winter, without tree coverage here or a glass canopy like they do in Vancouver.

It suddenly dawned on me that this hotel plaza must die! Yes, bring some life to this area with retail frontage, and perhaps another tower? Afterall, One Bedford's view must be hemmed in!

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Awesome updates today urbandreamer! This towers presence at streetlevel is nice but insist they made it better with more retail to the area. And that sidewalk needs to be re-paved too...
I love this firm's work, I like the form of the base and how it meets the street and I am very very comfortable with the idea of a modern point tower in this location. I am just not in love with this building though. The detailing (or lack thereof), the materials and the colours are all quite, well, blah. I do not mind polite but does it have to be so boring. Give me some details or colour or something of interest to focus on and take delight in.

I totally agree, this one is destined to be one of those solid, unspectacular background buildings, where the residents are very happy. I am curious about what will pouplate the street level. Any tenants lined up? I also think the disembodied facade of the former building in the courtyard is totally bizzare.
Keeping it is better than nothing. It's a cute little touch and adds a sense that there was something there before this building. It's that sense of memory that is most important.
BMO has taken the Bedford/Bloor corner unit.

Boring. That's unfortunate. It's a pretty high traffic corner and I bet the rent isn't cheap. I was hoping for a small grocer/deli or other cafes like Bar Mercurio down the street. The ground level of One Bedford has lots of door bays, so at least there could be a variety of businesses along here. I wonder if Pho Hung, Booster Juice, or any of the other businesses slated for demolition for Exhibit Condo might make a move down here. Of course, the time for that may be far off.
Boring. That's unfortunate. It's a pretty high traffic corner and I bet the rent isn't cheap. I was hoping for a small grocer/deli or other cafes like Bar Mercurio down the street. The ground level of One Bedford has lots of door bays, so at least there could be a variety of businesses along here. I wonder if Pho Hung, Booster Juice, or any of the other businesses slated for demolition for Exhibit Condo might make a move down here. Of course, the time for that may be far off.

I really wish it is a Starbucks that occupies one of the units so that I can grab a coffee before I head to class in the mornings when I exit from St. George Station. :) Fat chance I'm thinking as there are two in Yorkville and one at Robarts.
One Bedford at Bloor.


