Toronto Notting Hill Condominiums | 86.5m | 25s | Lanterra | Arcadis

@SixPoints and @ethan.l.cecc are correct: I cycle by here quite often and to say it's infrequently used would be far too polite. Most of the time it's downright desolate.

This proposal would occupy something like 1/3 of the existing park.


At first blush, I would oppose it, as I would any community centre, ,library, arena or any other building displacing parkland.

I don't like the precedent.

In examining the area, I see a real shortage of tableland park space and sports fields.

I get that the open area currently seems under utilized, but given that it appears to have no programming of any kind (sports field, picnic tables, tennis, etc.) that would hardly seem a surprise.

The size is sufficient to support a soccer pitch, and I imagine that would be in demand of it were delivered; alternatively, it could support a cricket pitch, or some other outdoor amenity.

I'm perfectly fine with more community centres, but I think they should displace parking lots or low-intensity development; something there is no shortage of nearby this location.
West building looks like it has completed the podium and has now started on the towers, with the west tower starting the 8th storey, and the east tower just completing the ceiling of the 6th/floor of the 7th storey.

East building is still quite far behind, with the second storey still being completed as the third storey begins construction on the NW (back) corner
