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Toronto non-mall retail (Odds & Ends)

  • Thread starter marksimpson7843
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New Liberty Retail

This was in a Toronto Life article posted on SSC by zip grrrrl:

With sexy new storefronts, high-gloss condos and plans to build a canopied walkway modelled after a Milanese arcade, the former factory blocks are poised to become the next Chelsea Market.

Does anyone know anything about this?
Nike takes shot at pop-up concept

Feb 17, 2007 04:30 AM
Derick Chetty
Air Force One 431 Richmond St., upper level

There is no gleaming signage, no billboard-sized posters of sports stars and there's no pounding music luring customers into the store.

In fact, to find Toronto's newest "high concept" store tucked away on the second floor of a nondescript building, you have to know where you're going. Even as you climb the dark and dingy stairwell, you may still not be sure you're in the right place.

Remarkably this is a Nike store, the "Just Do It" retailer not particularly known for quiet understatement. It's the only one of its kind in Canada and it's dedicated to selling only one kind of Nike shoe – the iconic Air Force 1.

To mark the 25th anniversary of this basketball shoe this year, Nike teamed up with the über-cool sneaker shop Goodfoot, located on the ground level of the same building, to staff and operate this temporary "pop up" shop.

That's right – temporary. Despite the serious money that Nike pumped into the space to transform it into a studio-like environment with expensive polished wood and sparkling glass cases that display the shoes in a manner more museum than street-wear shop, the store will, according to plan, close in a few months. It only opened in January.

This guerrilla retail concept – setting up shop in a temporary location for a limited time – is not new. The Paris avant-garde fashion label Comme des Garçons pioneered this method of retailing in cities around the world. But their modus operandi was simple and involved very little overhead: Organizers would just roll racks of clothing into a sparse space for a few months, sell as much as possible and move on.

Now behemoth retailers seem to be catching on to these temporary arrangements. When New York designers Proenza Schouler collaborated with the Target store chain for a limited edition cheap-and chic-collection, Target selected a cool Soho store, Opening Ceremony, to sell only this special collection during New York Fashion Week.

As temporary as these arrangements seem, they still require considerable thought.

Partnering with Goodfoot in this venture was based on Nike's longstanding relationship with the store, says Nike spokesperson Jane Shaw.

"They are one of the premium sneaker destinations in Canada," she says. "They are sneaker connoisseurs."

Goodfoot, with just three stores across Canada, has quietly cultivated a following amongst sneaks freaks as the go-to place for limited editions, re-issues and hard-to-find stock.

The admiration flows both ways between the David and Goliath companies. "Nike shoes are titles of hip-hop songs," says Ace Russell, one of the buyers for Goodfoot. "You can't buy that kind of cool."

But what is it about the AF1 that separates it from the pantheon of styles that the global powerhouse sells?

"It has tremendous staying power – to transcend generational gaps since 1982, to be embraced by sport, street, hip-hop culture and still be relevant today is incredible," says Russell.

When the high-top leather shoe with the ankle strap came out in 1982, it was hailed as revolutionary. Nike designer Bruce Kilgore was charged with coming up with solutions for a better performing basketball shoe. His shoe design with an ankle strap, concentric circle outsole and an air-packed insole immediately won over professional players but also garnered fans in the hip-hop community, which helped make it into an icon.

The store will also stock exclusive special editions commemorating the AF1 silver anniversary, from a brown croc leather with 14k gold lace tips and dog tag to a pristine white anaconda version. Both sell for $3,000.

But even if you got the original old-school version that starts at $140, you'll still show that you've got game.
From: [url=[/url[/url]]
Why not shop the better way?

In the early ’90s, the hope was that revenues from retail spaces at subway stops could help pay for and maintain not-yet-built routes

mall dreams | Hong Kong is doing it big-time. Other cities are following suit. So why isn't the TTC using retail to bail itself out?
Feb 04, 2007 04:30 AM
Andrew Chung
It's one stop from the end of the line, and the subway station North York Centre kind of feels that way, too. After emerging from the platform, the rider arrives at a concourse that's been boarded up on each side, as if condemned.

Behind the boarding there were meant to be stores, all kinds of stores, to serve both riders and non-riders – you don't have to pay a fare to access the mall – and benefit both businesses and the Toronto Transit Commission.

But the TTC says there simply weren't enough passengers to make a go of it. Meanwhile, just outside the subway doors, Loblaws, Future Shop and myriad other establishments have sprung up in a separate glassy cathedral of shopping. With none of the money going to the TTC.

It's not much different elsewhere along the system. Few stations have retail components, and the ones that exist seem stranded: a newsstand or coffee shack is typical.

Why does it matter? Because, critics say, the eternally cash-strapped TTC, which faces at least a $100-million budget shortfall for each of the next five years, could be doing much more in the way of generating its own revenue to potentially avoid fare increases. There have been two in the past two years, for a total hike of 50 cents per adult ticket, to $2.75. "To not benefit from obtaining revenues that would subsidize your ticket prices sounds extremely short-sighted," says Richard Talbot, an international retail marketing consultant based in Markham.

"Every time they need more money, they just put fares up or ask the taxpayer for more. It's a totally non-entrepreneurial, revenue-driven model."

The TTC makes just over $8 million in rent from its retail components. Given its $1.1-billion annual budget, however, that rent is the equivalent of a housefly on the side of an elephant. Reduce fares it will not.

Around the world, mass transit systems are learning, as airports have done, that public dollars are finite, and that it's essential to find other ways to generate revenue. TTC general secretary Vince Rodo, who's in charge of the budget, understands this. Subways are terribly expensive, and so "you really have to do all these things to defray costs," he notes.

The new TTC chair, councillor Adam Giambrone, agrees. "We should be having more retail," he says. But Giambrone adds that transit retail is surprisingly hard to get right. "What I've learned is that the issues around this are not simple, and in some cases to get the retail it's very expensive."

For instance, he says, putting a Tim Hortons in a station without retail might require the installation of water facilities at a cost that far outweighs the value of a lease. Bathurst station is another example. There are empty retail spots that no one wants, because business people don't think they'd be profitable.

Rodo points out that many TTC stations are already adjacent to major shopping areas, such as the Eaton Centre in downtown Toronto. And while that retail provides no revenue to the TTC, he says the heavy traffic benefits transit and the city "largely in terms of riders and taxes."

Other cities, however, are moving toward integrating retail into their stations. Increasingly for transit systems from Tokyo to Shanghai to Bangkok to London, stores mean cash.

In London, an $800-million project will begin this summer to renovate the Cannon St. tube station, expanding retail on the concourse and underground levels, and topping it with an eight-storey office building.

Nowhere has the retail mindset been more successfully realized than in Hong Kong. Not only is retail central to this towering city's transit system, the MTR, but the system itself is also a major property developer.

It's not uncommon for MTR stations to have full-service banks, convenience stores, travel agents, medical clinics, dry cleaners, fast food outlets, coffee shops and the ubiquitous Maxim's bakeries.

The numbers compared to Toronto are telling. Even though the MTR has only 53 stations to the TTC's 69, station commercial rents brought in nearly $52 million in 2005 – nearly seven times more than in Toronto. The tally for last year is expected to be higher.

Yearly ridership in Hong Kong is about twice that of Toronto's subway, and the MTR makes about 30 per cent more than the TTC in fares. But when it comes to non-fare revenue, which includes station commercial rent as well as advertising, it's in a different league entirely. In 2005, the most recent year for which comparative data is available, non-fare revenue for the TTC was $46.7 million. For the MTR? It was $234 million, about 400 per cent more.

The TTC has had some modest success with a few stations – such as Eglinton, which counts nine stores inside the pay area of the complex, including a Second Cup, a Cinnabon, a bookstore and a place that sells purses.

Much of the Commission's attitude toward retail is coloured by experiences at sites like North York Centre and a belief that, in certain circumstances, the private sector is better suited for the job. "We don't take risks like the private sector does," says Charles Wheeler, the TTC's former manager of property development, who oversaw the building of the Sheppard line and is now in charge of doing the same for the Spadina subway extension.

"Could we do it better?" he asks. "Probably. But is there a huge amount of retail that we don't currently do? I don't think that's the case."

Some people believe the Sheppard line represents a wasted opportunity for the TTC to bring in a lot of extra cash. Back in 1990, when provincial money for the line seemed nowhere to be found, then-North York mayor Mel Lastman wondered if the private sector could find a way to help pay the costs.

A consortium of private interests stepped forward with a plan to chip in 25 per cent of the construction costs. At the same time, a plan was devised to build the new stops not as stations per se, but marketplaces.

"Our recommendation was to use the traffic flows through the subway station to generate retail revenues and develop essentially a strip mall all around," says retail consultant Talbot, who was tapped by the consortium to research the retail viability. "Over time the revenues could keep pace with inflation and traffic flows and the general demand of the area." Talbot's 148-page report looked at traffic volumes and potential revenues. It also proposed a distinct station design: accessible at all corners of the intersection, built as an atrium with a first level for drop-offs and car parking, and a deeper retail concourse centred around a subway entrance.

The retail would include conveniences such as a photo shop or grocery store to serve busy commuters, but also "destination" places – even a cinema – to attract non-passengers. The report pegged annual rental revenue in all the line's stations at $30 million. The model, Talbot thought, was viable since Toronto was already getting a taste for underground shopping with its downtown PATH system.

But before the subway doors could chime, the plan was dead. The TTC and Metro government delivered a resounding no to the consortium's proposal. "The concept was rejected as being financially unworkable," TTC executive Wheeler recalls.

For one thing, he explains, the consortium "wanted to be able to collect the property taxes to help pay for the Sheppard subway, which was not acceptable to Metro. But on the retail leasing side ... we didn't feel their numbers were even remotely obtainable."

If North York Centre station wasn't getting enough people to make retail work, "how can you do it on Bayview?" Wheeler says, referring to one of the stations on the Sheppard line, which today connects Yonge St. to Don Mills with five stops.

However, Talbot calls it "mind-boggling" that the TTC didn't try to "create value" at the stations.

For the Sheppard stations that went on to be built, a familiar maxim has become reality: the stores weren't built, and the customers didn't come. A few shops thrive at Don Mills station, to be sure. But take a look at the Leslie station's expansive mezzanine between the platform and the street. You'll find that even the sole, lonely newsstand has closed down.

Perhaps the thinking is best summed up by Al Leach, a former cabinet member in the government of Mike Harris and before that, the head of the TTC. "Nobody's going to spend a lot of time at Leslie and Sheppard," he says in an interview from Florida. "It's a commuting area, not a shopping area."

Leach doesn't buy the argument that subways could follow the path of airports and integrate retail wholeheartedly into their premises, thereby reducing – or at least stabilizing – passenger fares, just as airports reduced landing fees, and theoretically creating a pleasant space for riders.

"Airports are a different ball game," Leach contends. "You've got hundreds of thousands of people there. They're captive for hours and have all kinds of time to wander around and spend money. You're not in a subway station for more than 10 minutes!"

The question is, would that be the case if the station were built as a "destination" marketplace, as the private consortium envisioned it?

The TTC has come up with another potential way to make money. It recently announced that it's looking into selling off properties around subway stations, such as a parking lot at York Mills and the old bus terminal at Eglinton.

Apart from getting cash from the deals themselves, the TTC says that new developments – whether office or residential – would build up neighbourhoods around stations, adding riders and revenue. But it doesn't appear that developing these sites itself is in the cards for the TTC.

It's possible that the system could sell or lease the land above ground but retain ownership of the below-grade portion. But Wheeler says the developer would want control over the ground floor, and so the TTC would likely "give them the surface rights."

Why couldn't the TTC build and lease out its own retail on the ground floor? "Developers want that retail-leasing revenue. You might drive away development if you do that."

Wheeler argues that the TTC would still get substantial revenues because the retail potential would be reflected in either the land sale price or leasing payments. "But the private sector is in a better position to lease out to the Staples or Business Depots than the TTC is."

Hong Kong's MTR takes the opposite view. That system – which is run as a corporation and is traded on Hong Kong's stock exchange – is a major residential and commercial property developer and manager, both above existing stations and along new line extensions. Apartment dwellers stand a good chance their monthly payments will eventually make it back to the transit system.

Among the MTR's assets are six major malls – including one built to resemble ocean waves – housing hundreds of stores and services. In 2005 alone, the MTR's property rental and management revenue reached $200 million and its property development profit was a stunning $928 million.

The TTC's next expansion is expected to be into Vaughan, with six potential new stations on the horizon, including student-rich York University. Which retail path will the TTC choose?

All Giambrone will say is, "We'll be looking at having increased retail." He wants to assure riders who've grown tired of fare hikes that this hasn't escaped officials' minds. He cites a $30-million renovation this year at Victoria Park station, the design of which will increase retail possibilities. "But this doesn't mean we can't do more. And we're trying."
Was there a previous one around there? In case it's more of a de facto supersize relocation/replacement...
I have also heard that a new grocery store is coming to College & Manning in little Italy.
The signs have been up for a few weeks, but work is beginning to start on the inside of 217 King Street East (which used to house the Pasquale Bros and is listed in the city of Toronto heritage building inventory).

It will be the new home of the George Brown College Chef School, according to the banners and wood window coverings.

It has been boarded up for quite some time, so it will be nice to see it being occupied again.

A chef school, formerly Pasquale Brothers. Makes me want to talk in fractured English
Brack Electronics at 44 Wellington Street East has moved out and Pravda Vodka Bar (36 Wellington East) from just a few doors down is moving in.

I wonder what will replace the old Pravda..
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this before, but Puma will be opening a store at Bloor W. & Avenue (SE corner next to Club Monaco).
Brack Electronics

Brack Electronics have moved from Wellington St E to Ronald Ave in the Dufferin/Eglinton area of all places!
Re: Brack Electronics

There are a number of home decor-oriented places up there, around Caledonia and Castlefield. However I haven't been aware of too many electronics places to date.

No doubt the rent will be much cheaper than in the downtown core.
New Super 8 Motel

Taking the 510 Spadina streetcar everyday, I pass Chinatown Centre all the time. For those who don't know, it's a Chinese mall Spadina south of Dundas, with a condo on top. There used to be a nice restaurant on the third level, then a Mr. Wong's Super Buffet, but has been vacant for a good ten or so years(?). The other day, I espied a sign above the Chinatown Centre sign: Hotel (logo for Super 8) , and then something in Chinese! What an interesting way to lease out space. I think it's smart, where else can you have room for a Super 8 motel, and so central a location?
Super 8 Chinatown Centre

Samson: nice catch. The Super 8 opens on July 15th with 92 rooms on 3 levels. It will be interesting to see how much of Chinatown Centre has been taken over by the hotel.

Re: Super 8 Chinatown Centre

I would think just the part that the restaurant took up. I remember it having two-storey high ceilings, which seem to have been made into two floors(?). I went a few weeks ago coincidentally, and didn't see that many empty spots. A few in some corners in the second floor, though. The hotel would be in the third and fourth floor, I think. With maybe a lift used to go straight from the street (next to where the BMO used to be) already there.
Bed Bath & Beyond

Bed Bath & Beyond eyeing Canadian market again


Globe and Mail Update

April 23, 2007 at 9:15 PM EST

The heated home fashions market is about to get even more crowded as Bed Bath & Beyond Inc., the largest chain in the U.S. sector, scouts for store locations in Canada, industry sources say.

The retailer, known for its large selection of merchandise, stylish offerings and chic store layouts, has had a strong track record in its home territory and is sure to provide stiff competition for existing purveyors of home furnishings, Wendy Evans at Evans & Co. Consultants Inc. said Monday.

“It will be felt quite significantly in this market,†she said.

The chain responds well to trends, continually stocking new products in its 816 stores. And it moves fast, she added.

More generally, “it will add new products to their stores that this market has never seen,†she said. And while the merchandise is mid-priced, its attractive displays give it an aura of luxury goods.

Kenneth Frankel, director of investor relations for Bed Bath & Beyond in Union, N.J., would not confirm its interest in Canada. “We're always looking,†he added. “We look domestically and wherever. Obviously we're continuing to grow.â€

Still, the Canadian market is getting crowded. Earlier this month, Crate and Barrel, another leading U.S.-based home goods merchant, confirmed that it will open its first store here in Toronto's Yorkdale Shopping Centre in the fall of 2008.

Hudson's Bay Co. launched its own Home Outfitters chain in 1999, modelled largely on Bed Bath & Beyond. Now industry insiders are predicting that Bed Bath & Beyond will eventually scoop up Home Outfitters. But Jerry Zucker, the new owner of HBC, wants to keep the home goods chain as part of the larger company, rather than break it up, spokeswoman Hillary Marshall said. The 59-store Home Outfitters “is not for sale.â€

Sources said Monday that Bed Bath & Beyond officials are holding talks with Canadian real estate brokers about finding locations in Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa and Calgary, a source said. They are looking for stores that are between 20,000 and 50,000 square feet in a select number of power centres, the sources said. The biggest outlet would be roughly the size of a Best Buy electronics store.

The home furnishings segment has been one of the hottest in Canadian retailing, growing at a rate of 10 per cent annually over each of the past few years, Ms. Evans said.

The domestic sector has not felt the crunch that its U.S. counterparts are experiencing because of the tougher housing market south of the border, she said. Canadian retailers are still enjoying gains.

It isn't the first time that Bed Bath & Beyond has looked seriously at the Canadian market. Almost a decade ago, it was slated to become one of the big draws at the then yet-to-be-built Vaughan Mills shopping centre, north of Toronto. A U.S.-style shopping and entertainment mega-mall, it opened in late 2004 – the first enclosed regional mall to be built in this country in more than 14 years.

Ms. Evans, who acted as a consultant during the mall's planning, said Bed Bath & Beyond hadn't exhausted its growth opportunities in the United States at the time.
