Toronto Murano | ?m | 45s | Lanterra | a—A

just noticed also that those corner views seem to be mostly blocked by the concrete pillars... poor design?

Pillars are support columns, they are pulled in slightly from the walls, but the builder doesn't have much of an option - either 1, have exterior walls in the corner as load bearing (therefore not glass) or 2, have support pillars pulled in slightly from the corners... most other glass-glazed condos are the same.
I like the glass corner, even with the support column there. Maybe it is that alternating window style design that no other glass condo has that is catching my eye and drawing me away from the corners.

Irregardless, this is turning out to be a nice building and this neighbourhood is going to be great in the next couple of years.
or 3, build a much stronger floor slab cantilevered off a core

A much more expensive option, therefore not a whole lot of mid-priced condos do it (otherwise the cost is passed on to every unit) - some of the higher end buildings with wealthier buyers can afford this type of solution.

It's not like the pillars are hidden on the floor plans or purchase of sale agreements, the buyers know what the are getting and likely don't want to shell out several thousand extra dollars for a stronger floor slab . Afterall, this project started sales at about $325psf.

Higher-end condos that are well over $600psf give the developer (consumer) more flexibility to pay for a different and more costly structure without pillars.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Murano for finally building a decent condo along the dreary Bay Street strip. This will be a beauty.

I agree. I like this development very much. The buildings so far, look better than the renderings. It's usually the other way around; the renderings look fantastic but the final product looks cheapened and lacklustre.
The glass point towers they are building now are a pleasant relief from those brick monstrosities they built in the '90's.
ahh they aren't that bad, they are unique in their character and the buildings themselves are quite luxurious inside.

I feel like the addition of the Muranos, the Burano, mixed in with the existing condos on this stretch and the government buildings might create a sharp looking neighbourhood. The only building I dislike on this entire stretch is the one just north of the old Addison dealership. The brick building with black windows... I think it does government publications, but don't quote me on that.
"Hope you're kidding. This area is a wasteland if ever there was one."

There have been wastelands; but I dont agree this is one. Bay needs some improvement at street level but for the last 5 years large chunks have been under contruction which had hurt its continuity. When Murano, Burano, St Mike's, Greyhound terminal get filled in things will improve.

The Binn's in the Polo buildings are a good start, legitimate retail beyond the video stores and coffee shops.
ahh they aren't that bad, they are unique in their character and the buildings themselves are quite luxurious inside.

I feel like the addition of the Muranos, the Burano, mixed in with the existing condos on this stretch and the government buildings might create a sharp looking neighbourhood. The only building I dislike on this entire stretch is the one just north of the old Addison dealership. The brick building with black windows... I think it does government publications, but don't quote me on that.

Yes! I agree. That building is an eyesore. It used to house the Ontario Government publications bookstore on the first level. The building looks almost abandoned now! It's a large lot, but I am not sure if we need yet another condo tower there.

The Ontario Government could build a decent sized Office Building there to consolidate many of the offices it has scattered throughout the city. Or even better, turn the land over to the U of T. They will be expanding over the next few years no doubt.
The Ontario Government could build a decent sized Office Building there to consolidate many of the offices it has scattered throughout the city. Or even better, turn the land over to the U of T. They will be expanding over the next few years no doubt.

That is the mid-range plan for the site (New Ontario Government Office Building).
About 3 weeks ago they were doing maintenance on the exterior of that building. I can't imagine them demolishing this building for something else if they have been doing maintenance.

Not to say I don't support them destroying it. A nice government tower that compliments Macdonald Block and Whitney Block would be nice.
About 3 weeks ago they were doing maintenance on the exterior of that building. I can't imagine them demolishing this building for something else if they have been doing maintenance.

Not to say I don't support them destroying it. A nice government tower that compliments Macdonald Block and Whitney Block would be nice.

That's never stopped the government before. Wasting the tax-payer's money is what they do best. As a matter-of-fact, if they've spent a lot of money already, that's a sure sign this building will be coming down. Either that, or they'll give it away for a song.
That is the mid-range plan for the site (New Ontario Government Office Building).

That's good news. I hope they build a 30 storey Office Tower which will roughly equal in height the Burano and the Murano. And it shouldn't overwhelm the Government Office building directly north of that site either. That lot is a 5 minute walk from either College or Wellesley Station so it could easily handle a major Office complex.

Although, if it casts a shadow on Queen's Park ... It'll be a no go.
They have a notice up that they're seeking approval to add two storeys to the south tower. The hearing is on May 28
Kewl. Longer elevator waits.

That's never stopped the government before. Wasting the tax-payer's money is what they do best. As a matter-of-fact, if they've spent a lot of money already, that's a sure sign this building will be coming down. Either that, or they'll give it away for a song.

Actually, governments all too often put off building maintenance for far too long - until it becomes a health or safety issue.
