Toronto Murano | ?m | 45s | Lanterra | a—A

Bay Street rocks! seems the central location of Murano makes it an easy photo shoot - we are getting to see lots of this one(2) going up!
On a cold Sunday Walk (March 9):



Things get a little more urban along Bay when the 506 Bay car decides to go for a spin; Murano rises in the background:

Given its prominence and property values, Bay needs some unique new lamp posts. What a bad choice of lamp posts those were, not being rust proof.

New lamp posts would be nice, but they are really only the start of what's needed. Unfortunately nobody at City Hall seems to be caring about this sort of thing, or if they are they're certainly not doing anything about it. While at it, may as well add Dundas West (near AGO) to this list of downtown streets that need a little TLC.

Will they be cladding the exposed concrete (near the balconies) on the southwest corner of the north tower?

They should be. If you look at the NW corner they have done this already.

EDIT: Sorry, NW corner are windows where I was looking. Still, I don't think they will leave the concrete exposed.
I really like the super-high first two floors of this complex, especially where it is most noticeable at the south end of it. These should look great when glassed-in, and hopefully will lead to more impressive first-two-floors in other new projects around town.

I agree, the high podium floors and slim profile of the buildings is what first impressed me when this was beginning to go up.
