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Toronto mountain bike trails


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Jun 21, 2020
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I know of at least two in the city - in the Betty Sutherland Trail Park and west end of Sunnybrook Park just south of the hospital. These trails have all sorts of ramps and obstacles for off-road dare devil bikers to jump over. I was wondering who makes and maintains these dirt skate parks - is it the city?
I know of at least two in the city - in the Betty Sutherland Trail Park and west end of Sunnybrook Park just south of the hospital. These trails have all sorts of ramps and obstacles for off-road dare devil bikers to jump over. I was wondering who makes and maintains these dirt skate parks - is it the city?

In-Forest Trails are generally neither supported nor sanctioned by the City (for mountain biking with or without stunts)

The City has built a couple of BMX bike parks/tracks which people can enjoy.

The exception to this, is Crother's Woods, an area of the Don Valley on the north slope from roughly Bayview to Don Mills (and a bit north thereof).

This area has seen some sanctioned trails for mountain bikers.

While other unsanctioned trails with stunts may be removed at will by the City.

Below is the Natural Trails Strategy for the City of Toronto, from 2018

This strategy does contemplate additional trails being sanctioned for mountain biking, though not permitting any stunts or 'technical trail features' as the jargon of choice.
Oh wow, so these are home made. They're really quite elaborate and impressive. Hopefully the city remains unaware of these.
@Northern Light Do you know any way to get volunteering with TRCA or other conservation/forest stewardship groups? I am an avid hiker and l was looking to help out with the trails I so often tread. I emailed TRCA to start, hoping they respond.
@Northern Light Do you know any way to get volunteering with TRCA or other conservation/forest stewardship groups? I am an avid hiker and l was looking to help out with the trails I so often tread. I emailed TRCA to start, hoping they respond.

In the City of Toronto, the Natural Environment and Community Programs division of City Forestry runs stewardship programs for natural areas and also has tried some trail stewardship as well.

Obviously, due to Covid, all public activities are disrupted.

The base web page for one-off events is here:

The Calendar of events is here:

There are 6 on-going Stewardship teams who typically have weekly events (in a normal year) at different sites around the City. That page is linked below:

The normal page for TRCA (Conservation Authority) volunteer opportunities is listed here:

There is currently nothing there in light of the pandemic.

There are opportunities (normally) via the various hiking trail groups.

The Bruce Trail has both volunteer Land Stewards:

They also have Trail maintenance crews

Volunteer positions for the different trail sections (clubs) can be found here:

The Oak Ridges Trail Association also has volunteer opportunities.

If you want to learn how to maintain bridges/structures/stairs etc. I highly commend Bruce Trail who have excellent training in this regard. Its hard work; but also like a free course in many ways!

If you want to learn the requisite skills on a paid course basis, that too many be interrupted this year; but several colleges in Ontario run on-point courses, such as certification in using a chain saw.

@Northern Light Do you know any way to get volunteering with TRCA or other conservation/forest stewardship groups? I am an avid hiker and l was looking to help out with the trails I so often tread. I emailed TRCA to start, hoping they respond.
Within the Don watershed, typically the Lower Don area, Don't Mess with the Don puts out calls for volunteers to help clean out garbage from the Don Valley. A few weeks ago they had a Dog-strangling Vine cutting event.

I keep meaning to volunteer myself as I do a lot of trail running along the Don's mountain bike trails. The group's efforts are certainly noticeable and appreciated!
