• Phase I of the Mississauga Transitway is nearing completion with
construction hand-over expected August 31, 2014.
• Commissioning and training activities will follow hand-over to
prepare for revenue service on November 17, 2014 for express
Routes 107 and 109 as well as local Route 21.
• An official opening is tentatively scheduled for November 10,2014
to be followed by a community open house on November 15, the
Saturday prior to the start of revenue service.
• All remaining sections of the transitway have been tendered and are
at various stages of construction.
construction hand-over expected August 31, 2014.
• Commissioning and training activities will follow hand-over to
prepare for revenue service on November 17, 2014 for express
Routes 107 and 109 as well as local Route 21.
• An official opening is tentatively scheduled for November 10,2014
to be followed by a community open house on November 15, the
Saturday prior to the start of revenue service.
• All remaining sections of the transitway have been tendered and are
at various stages of construction.