Toronto Mirvish Village (Honest Ed's Redevelopment) | 85.04m | 26s | Westbank | Henriquez Partners






So they put banners above the main floor on the Bathurst side (see photo). I also saw "House Concepts" on the Bloor side. At least we know Bestco is still committed to opening here. I went to the Petite Colline (the banner between mirvish and kitchen) just off from Steeles and Woodbine, and they are an asian bakery that also served pasta. Hope it will be similar here.
It would have been easy to use pavers with a pink or even a taupe tint to warm up the otherwise somber architecture. We are getting another expanse of greyness.

Before someone says "it can't be done", the same architect/developer team sourced red and brown pavers at Woodward's in Vancouver and it's a warm and colourful destination in the middle of an often chilly, grey city. Why does so much of our architecture and public space have to be drained of colour here?
They are nice pavers. They could have done more with the precast planters that match the precast cladding. They don't have to match

Everything is a just a little tight which doesn't benefit Henriquez panache for complex built forms and cladding. The towers all blend together. I wish Henriquez went with a distinct simplified palette for each tower instead. More room between each tower wouldn't be realistic.
