Developer: Diamond Corp, Minto Communities GTA, Kilmer Group
Architect: Guthrie Muscovitch Architects, Giannone Petricone Associates
Address: 3600 Lake Shore West, Toronto
Category: Residential (Townhouse, Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2019
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 4 storeys
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Toronto Minto Long Branch | ?m | 4s | Diamond Corp | Guthrie Muscovitch

The retail was, wasn't it?

When will phase 2 begin? I think the site has been vacant for at least 3 years.
The site didn't look that much different just a couple days ago. First the last bits of the first phase:

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It's OK. Could be much worse. I like the brick, dislike the stucco and generally dislike stacked towns but they are a popular so I give it a C+
Excellent scale, I think 5 storeys should be around what many of Toronto's outer main streets should seek as a model for intensification. Along with the concept of allocating retail space. In terms of materials, the brick mid-sections would be the strong points.

I'm not so keen on the grade level or how the tops are resolved. The beige parts are also quite drab. Even though there is good first floor height at grade, it just feels a bit awkward. Perhaps some subtle awning would have helped. Also ambigious on how should signage would fit naturally.
