Address: 75 Mutual St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Market-Rate Rental, Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: 374 ft / 113.99 mStoreys: 36 storeys
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Toronto Max Condos | 113.99m | 36s | Tribute | Graziani + Corazza

Hmm, must be more than just 75 Mutual. Maybe 77 and/or 73 as well.

75 is a three storey unremarkable ruined Victorian, while 77 is a totally non-descript two-storey thing with a roof over some walls. 73 is a would-be Georgian. None would be a great loss.

Thanks for remembering that thread Stupid. We'll have to wait for a little more information to find out if this is the 77 project, or if this is another project to the south of it.

Hmm, must be more than just 75 Mutual. Maybe 77 and/or 73 as well.

75 is a three storey unremarkable ruined Victorian, while 77 is a totally non-descript two-storey thing with a roof over some walls. 73 is a would-be Georgian. None would be a great loss.


Historical designation?

Or does that only apply to buildings that appeal to certain people?

Or perhaps there is just no merit in interfering with thisparticular project.
Historical designation?

Or does that only apply to buildings that appeal to certain people?

Or perhaps there is just no merit in interfering with thisparticular project.

Not really sure what you're getting at. Have you looked these three up?

Plans and drawings from July! 75 Mutual Plans and Drawings.Pdf

Anyone have any details on the context drawings in the above document which includes 30 mutual/88 queen st -- is that just based on what is currently allowed/the zoning for that site?

I'm not sure if it represents what is zoned, or what the last application on that site was (that can be looked up), but there is nothing active there at the moment as far as I know.

wasn't there a basic rezoning of it 5 or 6 years ago where the "buildings" where nothing but basic shapes and it was clear that it was simply an upzoning and not an effort to actually build something?
Looks pretty slick in that render. Anyone know who the architect is?
It appears to be Graziani & Corazza. For Tribute.

It looks like they have some sort of bike carousel or something? Interesting.
THe design is okay. Especially if they keep the rounded glass on the balcony corners. Anything with some flourish of design in this area is really an upgrade. It's nice to see development happening east of Yonge in this rough area that really needs some improvements.
