Hamilton Marquee Residence | 106.07m | 32s | Vrancor Development | Kirkor

Oh I didn't know they used coolers, thought they just stored their meat on the cold ground.
Well hopefully any health inspection they might have received would allow them to learn and do better. I don't see any reason why they wouldn't improve their practices if they were reported.

When I worked at a grocery store w egot written up a few times and afterward we were very careful because they'd come check to ensure we implemented better practices.
Just wanted to share this one here as well so that everyone knows what kind of business Samir is..... here's a pic showing how they handle raw meat at their Burlington location. Not using a refrigerated truck, and placing raw meat on the bottom of a dirty truck and on the ground. 🤮🤢 . Don't shop here!

Dont want to drag this off topic too much, but did you snap this pic yourself? If so, it would've been a good call to report this to the CFIA because this is disgusting.
Dont want to drag this off topic too much, but did you snap this pic yourself? If so, it would've been a good call to report this to the CFIA because this is disgusting.
I did not take it myself. I just saw it on reddit a couple months ago. I agree it is disgusting, and it by the reddit thread someone may have already reported it to the CFIA. Let's hope so, because that type of food handling doesn't fly here. Personally, I would never shop there and will be telling as many people as I can about that picture. We deserve a better grocer downtown.
