Toronto Maple Leaf Square | 185.92m | 54s | Lanterra | KPMB

i hate those boards that are still there...bleh, this project never really did much for me, other than its height it doesn't have to many posotive attributes. just seems like another fairly inexpensive green glass condo that are going up all over town (with a fairly slicker design)
I like the continued evolution of the building. Good to see the TD open, and is there also signage for la Germaine on the Bremner side now?

All of the prints showed 4 or 5 big masts on the south side of the building, now i'm starting to wonder if they're actually going to build them
It can be painful to look at these skyscrapers! I mean, first off, the cladding wasn't that great to begin with, and now, people's blinds show right through making the structure look old/dirty. (this remains true with the podium as well.) It almost looks messy!

But i'm glad the inside is REALLY AWESOME! both in purpose and in look!!! :D
It can be painful to look at these skyscrapers! I mean, first off, the cladding wasn't that great to begin with, and now, people's blinds show right through making the structure look old/dirty. (this remains true with the podium as well.) It almost looks messy!

But i'm glad the inside is REALLY AWESOME! both in purpose and in look!!! :D

I actually like that the blinds show through instead of it being a boring reflective glass. It'll be brighter at night time, and it adds character. :)
I like the continued evolution of the building. Good to see the TD open, and is there also signage for la Germaine on the Bremner side now?

All of the prints showed 4 or 5 big masts on the south side of the building, now i'm starting to wonder if they're actually going to build them

Do you have these prints? And what do you mean by masts? Do you mean like the one that has the Longos logo and RS logos?
I might have them somewhere, not really sure to be honest. It was a couple years ago and I might've thrown them out along the way. I didn't have an elevation view of them, but they did show up on the plan drawings. I guess they might've looked something like the one on York. It showed them as being kind of triangular (from above) with faces angled toward the Gardiner
I might have them somewhere, not really sure to be honest. It was a couple years ago and I might've thrown them out along the way. I didn't have an elevation view of them, but they did show up on the plan drawings. I guess they might've looked something like the one on York. It showed them as being kind of triangular (from above) with faces angled toward the Gardiner

I know they are currently building something in front of the TD bank facing Lake Shore. I think a protected walkway for falling ice. However, that is a sign that this building is still not fully finished, so who knows.
Could they have picked an uglier colour for the backdrop of their very prominent street sign/billboard?
Taken last night.

Oct 1 2010 update

photos that I never got around to posting previously ~

